英 ['sw??l?n]
- adj. 腫脹的,浮腫的;浮夸的;激動興奮的
- swollen glands
- 腫脹的腺體
- Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.
- 她哭得兩眼又紅又腫。
- My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.
- 我的眼睛腫得很厲害,幾乎看不到東西。
- This would seem to show that the Vanas were more ancient gods the Asas.
- 這大概是表明,瓦那神是比亞薩神更古的神.
- Your neck looks swollen; let me have a feel.
- 你的脖子似乎腫了起來, 讓我摸摸看.
- If you slap your face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing, you'll suffer for sure.
- 打腫臉充胖子, 吃虧的是自己.
- An army swollen with pride is bound to lose.
- 驕兵必敗.
- The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
- 醫生們用繃帶包扎了他腫起的腳踝.
- Her thin hands were twisted by swollen knuckles.
- 她那雙纖手因腫大的指關節而變了形.
- His fortune has swollen during the war.
- 他的財產在戰爭期間大為增加.
- Her legs had got swollen from standing up all day.
- 因為整天站著,她的雙腿已經腫了.
- He gently rubbed his swollen nose.
- 他輕輕地揉著腫脹的鼻子.
- The ankle was badly swollen.
- 踝節部腫得很厲害.
- The bridge collapsed into the swollen river.
- 橋陷入了暴漲的河水里.
- Her eyes were swollen from crying.
- 她的眼皮都哭腫了.
- Her face was still horribly swollen.
- 她的臉仍然腫得嚇人.
- A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
- 蚊子叮了她,她的手臂腫起來了.
- Her eyes were all red and swollen from crying.
- 她兩只眼睛哭得又紅又腫.
- The bridge was washed away by the swollen river.
- 橋給上漲的河水沖走了.
- Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow.
- 由于資金的大量流入貨幣供應已大增.
- Her leg has swollen badly.
- 她的腿腫得很厲害.
- The stomach is swollen.
- 腹脹.
- The river has swollen with melted snow.
- 雪融河漲.
- The tonsils become fiery red and swollen.
- 扁桃體變得又紅又腫.
- her blotchy and swollen face
- 她的布滿斑點的浮腫的臉
- Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.
- 她哭得兩眼又紅又腫。
- My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.
- 我的眼睛腫得很厲害,幾乎看不到東西。