英 ['s?r??]
- n. 悲傷;懊悔;傷心事
- vi. 懊悔;遺憾;感到悲傷
- vt. 為…悲痛
- He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.
- 聽到她的死訊,他表示哀傷。
- They said that the decision was made more in sorrow than in anger .
- 他們說作出這個決定,與其說是出于氣憤,不如說是出于悲傷。
- the joys and sorrows of childhood
- 童年的歡樂和悲傷
- the sorrowing relatives
- 悲傷的親屬
- It was a time of great sorrow...
- 這是一個非常悲傷的時刻。
- Words cannot express my sorrow.
- 言語無法表達我的哀傷。
- She found that hard work was the best way to take her mind off her sorrow.
- 她發現努力工作是使她忘卻悲傷的最好辦法.
- Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on & def the picture of sorrow: poor little child!
- 她又餓又冷,哆哆 嗦嗦 地向前走著,這是一幅非常凄慘的景象: 可憐的小姑娘!
- Sorrow is the main sentimental feature of Luyin and her works.
- 悲哀是廬隱及其藝術的主要的情感特征.
- Sorrow has left its 5 print on her face.
- 悲傷在她臉上留下痕跡.
- A thread of sorrow winds through her poetry.
- 她的詩流露出一縷憂思.
- I must convert sorrow into strength.
- 我要化悲痛為力量.
- Every man yearns for sympathy in sorrow.
- 每個遇到不幸的人都渴望得到同情.
- I feel for [ with ] him in his sorrow.
- 我為他的不幸而難過.
- Our feelings of happiness and sorrow are soon lost in the whirligig of time.
- 我們感情上的悲歡會隨著時間的流逝很快消失.
- The composer expresses his sorrow in his music.
- 這位作曲家用音樂表達他的悲傷.
- Sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid.
- 悲傷使許多人淚水盈眶.
- Your visit will take away the sting of her sorrow.
- 您的來訪會消除她的悲傷.
- Sighing for sorrow can be harmful.
- 悲傷嘆息會傷害身體.
- She charmed away his sorrow.
- 她驅走了他的悲傷.
- She longed to be alone that she might give full vent to her sorrow and despair.
- 她渴望獨處,以便充分發泄悲痛和失望的心情.
- Time blunts the edge of sorrow.
- 時間會減緩悲痛.
- She assumed a look of sorrow.
- 她假裝著悲傷的樣子.
- It helps to share your sorrow with someone else.
- 向他人訴說你的痛苦對你是有益的.
- I think she did it more in sorrow than in anger.
- 我覺得她這樣做更多是出于悲哀而不是憤恨.
- She was whelmed in sorrow.
- 她沉浸在憂愁中.
- When her child died, her cup of sorrow seemed complete.
- 孩子死后, 她陷入極度悲痛中.