英 [ɑ?mz]
- n. 臂(arm的復數);[軍] 武器;紋章
- v. 武裝;配備(arm的三單形式)
- n. (Arms)人名;(英)阿姆斯
- the King's Arms (= used as the name of a pub)
- 國王盾形徽章(酒吧名)
- Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms .
- 英國警察通常不攜帶武器。
- arms and ammunition
- 兵器和彈藥
- It was almost right out of the pages of House and Garden magazine.
- 這個廚房簡直就是從“住房和花園雜志”中復制出來.
- She was holding the cat in her arms and petting it tenderly.
- 她抱著貓,溫柔地撫摸著它.
- We were welcomed with open arms.
- 我們受到熱烈歡迎.
- The girl twined her arms about her mother's neck.
- 女孩摟住母親的脖子.
- His arms were covered in tattoos.
- 他的雙臂刺滿了紋身.
- The dwarf's long arms were not proportional to his height.
- 那侏儒的長臂與他的身高不成比例.
- The arms race among the superpowers is being stepped up without cease.
- 超級大國之間正在加緊軍備競爭.
- He stretched his arms for a book.
- 他伸出手臂去拿一本書.
- The child snuggled into its mother's arms.
- 孩子偎依在母親懷里.
- She rolled her sleeves up high leaving her arms bare, ready to do the washing.
- 她把袖子卷得老高,露著光溜溜的兩只胳膊, 準備洗衣服.
- People on shore greeted the new 10 , 000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up.
- 當新造的萬噸巨輪駛近時, 岸上的人們揮臂歡迎.
- We cannot just watch with fold arms.
- 我們不能袖手旁觀.
- I cradled the baby in my arms.
- 我輕輕地把嬰兒抱到懷里搖晃著.
- The arms race between the two great powers can lead to Armageddon.
- 兩個超級大國的軍備競賽可能導致一場大戰.
- The ships sailing from Florida were landing arms and combatants.
- 由佛羅里達來的船只正在卸武器,并讓武裝人員上岸.
- Don't fling your arms and legs around like that. Make the proper swimming strokes.
- 別這樣亂劃亂蹬,要采用正確的游泳姿勢.
- The arms trade should be subject to rigorous controls.
- 對軍火貿易應該嚴加限制.
- Hurling his arms and legs around wildly, he kept afloat but wasted much effort.
- 他用胳膊和腿在水中亂劃, 這樣雖可以漂浮,但卻白費了許多力氣.
- The firm openly traded in arms.
- 這家公司公然進行武器交易.
- He has powerful arms and legs.
- 他四肢強健有力.
- He lapped me in his arms.
- 他把我摟在懷里.
- Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect.
- 手放兩邊,昂首站立。
- She had been trying to assemble the bomb when it went off in her arms.
- 在她試圖組裝炸彈時,炸彈在她懷里爆炸了。
- She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face.
- 她嚇得大叫,并且掄起雙臂護住了自己的臉。
- People would go into the store and come out with their arms full.
- 人們到這家商店來總是滿載而歸。
- After 10 years of negotiation, the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty.
- 經過10年協商,參議院已經正式批準了《削減戰略武器條約》。
- No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple.
- 攜帶武器者不得進入神殿的界域。