英 [?'s?st(?)nt]
- n. 助手,助理,助教
- adj. 輔助的,助理的;有幫助的
- My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.
- 現在我的助手將演示機器運轉情況。
- a senior research assistant
- 高級研究助理
- a sales assistant in a department store
- 一名百貨公司售貨員
- the assistant manager
- 協理
- Assistant Chief Constable Owen
- 助理警察局長歐文
- Assistant Attorney General William Weld
- 助理檢察總長威廉?韋爾德
- The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover...
- 店員拿起書,核對了一下封底的定價。
- She got a job as a sales assistant selling handbags.
- 她得到了一份手提包售貨員的工作。
- The salesman had been accompanied to the meeting by an assistant.
- 營銷人員在助手的陪同下參加了會議。
- Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out...
- 考蘭叫助理哈希姆在自己外出時代理其職。
- ...the Assistant Secretary of Defense.
- 助理國防部長
- ...a young assistant professor at Harvard.
- 年輕的哈佛助理教授
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- 空閑時你喜歡干什么?
- In my book Walt is the best assistant we've ever had.
- 依我看,沃爾特是我們曾有過的最好的助手.
- During the divorce proceedings the husband got his assistant to front for him at the office.
- 辦理離婚手續期間,丈夫讓助手代他在辦公室負責.
- I was appointed as an assistant in English.
- 我被聘為英語助教.
- He needs an assistant.
- 他需要一位助手.
- She was downgraded to assistant manager.
- 她被降職為助理經理.
- The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.
- 接待她的那個店員不喜歡她的打扮.
- My assistant was better at yes sing than at developing original ideas.
- 我的助手善于唯唯諾諾地隨聲附和,而不善于發揮獨特見解.
- The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
- 總經理名義上有權,可他卻是一只紙老虎, 實際管理公司的是他的助手.
- She had a clerical assistant to do her paperwork.
- 她讓助手幫她做文書工作.
- Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely.
- 經理認出了那位顧客是誰, 所以陪了一千個不是,并且狠狠地斥責了那個店員.
- The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
- 實驗室助手給老鼠注射了那種新藥.
- She took up a post as research assistant in the Department of Pharmacology.
- 她在藥物學系做研究助理.
- She has long been hoping to become the assistant manager.
- 她很久以來就想當經理助理.
- His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation.
- 當那位老外科醫生不能繼續動手術時,他的助手接替他將手術進行了下去.
- My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.
- 現在我的助手將演示機器運轉情況。
- She was then relegated to the role of assistant.
- 隨后她被降級做助手了。