英 ['???t?d?]
- n. 缺乏,缺少;不足
- food/housing/water shortages
- 食物 / 住房 / 用水短缺
- a shortage of funds
- 資金不足
- There is no shortage of (= there are plenty of) things to do in the town.
- 城里不愁找不到活兒干。
- A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief...
- 資金短缺使聯合國無法督導救援工作。
- Vietnam is suffering from food shortage...
- 越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。
- This is why the feature is sometimes called the relationship feature.
- 這也是這一特性常常被成為關聯關系特性的原因.
- There is a shortage of principal.
- 資金有些短缺.
- This is due to the enemy's underestimation of China and also to his shortage of troops.
- 這是由于敵人對中國估計不足而來的,也有他自己兵力不足的原因.
- There is a severe shortage of fuel.
- 燃料嚴重短缺.
- If uncontrolled, the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices.
- 如果不加控制, 這種短缺會引起肉價再次上漲.
- This makes the teacher shortage even more critical.
- 這使師資匱乏的問題更為嚴重.
- The city is suffering a desperate shortage of water.
- 這個城市嚴重缺水.
- A shortage of building land will push property values up.
- 建筑用地缺乏將造成房地產價格逐漸上升.
- The shortage of gas has thrown us back on the use of bicycles.
- 由于汽油短缺,我們只好用自行車作交通工具.
- Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.
- 狂風暴雨使燃料短缺情況更加嚴重.
- There is a shortage of well qualified teachers of foreign languages, especially of French and Japanese.
- 合格的外語教師還很缺乏, 尤其是教法語和日語的.
- The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds.
- 問題的關鍵是缺乏經費.
- Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.
- 燃料短缺制造業最受到影響.
- There's an acute shortage of water.
- 這里嚴重缺水.
- Shortage of funds is still very much a live issue.
- 資金短缺仍然是當前的重大問題.
- Profiteering in a time of shortage is wrong.
- 乘物資缺乏牟取暴利是不對的.
- There is an acute shortage of water.
- 水嚴重短缺。
- a shortage of munitions
- 軍需品缺乏
- the perennial problem of water shortage
- 缺水這個老問題
- Although three days isn't very long, shortage of time was the least of his problems.
- 雖然3天時間不算長,但對他來說,這已經是最不成問題的問題了。
- Any shortage could push up grain prices.
- 任何一種短缺都會抬高糧食價格。
- The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.
- 私宅中可用房間數的增加緩解了客房總體不足的問題。
- America has no shortage of strangely named clubs.
- 美國有不少名字稀奇古怪的俱樂部。
- There is a shortage of carrots. So everybody starts growing carrots. Next season, surprise, surprise, there is a glut of carrots.
- 胡蘿卜緊缺,于是大家都去種胡蘿卜。等到來年這個時候,可想而知,胡蘿卜就會過剩。
- The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.
- 這個國家的水資源匱乏可能會帶來災難性的后果。