英 [t?ekt]
- adj. 選中的;格子花紋的
- v. 檢查(check的過去式和過去分詞)
- checked material
- 印有方格圖案的布料
- He was wearing blue jeans and checked shirt.
- 他穿著藍色牛仔褲和格子襯衫。
- Hello everyone, today I will introduce the U.S. are Yamaguchi.
- 大家好, 今天我將為大家介紹的是山口勝平.
- The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.
- 會計及時卡住了這筆不必要的開支.
- He checked their names off as they went aboard the plane.
- 在他們登上飛機時,他登記上了他們的姓名.
- The enemy drive towards the town seemed checked.
- 敵人對市鎮的進攻似乎已被阻止.
- We checked into the hotel, then went for a walk along the beachfront.
- 我們辦好旅館入住手續后, 就去海灘散步了.
- Inspectors checked that there was adequate ventilation.
- 檢查員已檢查過,通風良好.
- The horse checked before he jumped.
- 馬在跳躍之前先停頓了一下.
- Every part is individually checked before assembly.
- 在裝配前,部件要逐個檢查.
- Jim's dues were checked off every week.
- 吉姆的工會會費每星期從工資中扣除.
- Have you checked these figures through?
- 你核對過這些數字 嗎 ?
- He checked in three years ago.
- 他是三年前過世的.
- Have you checked your baggage?
- 你的行李托運了 嗎 ?
- He had on a blue and white checked shirt and jeans.
- 他穿了件藍底白格的襯衣和牛仔褲.
- An inspector checked the standard of work.
- 視察員查驗工作的質量.
- She checked her sobs with an immense effort.
- 她費了好大勁才忍住了抽噎.
- All particulars should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should be taken for granted.
- 所有細節都應仔細核實, 任何事都不能想當然.
- Do you like these checked curtains?
- 你喜歡這些格子圖案的窗簾 嗎 ?
- She checked back to 1949.
- 她查閱1949年的記錄.
- The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor.
- 由專用理療師或醫生為運動員做檢查。
- She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.
- 詹森遇害的那個周末她在圣迭戈,后經查證情況屬實。
- She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.
- 她身穿一件格子襯衫,衣角在肚臍上方打了個結。
- He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester.
- 他已經在阿姆斯特丹的斯希普霍爾機場辦好了登機手續,準備飛往曼徹斯特。
- Tissue that is removed during the operation is checked for signs of malignancy.
- 檢查手術切片,以判斷是否為惡性。
- She checked the wall clock.
- 她對了對墻上的鐘。
- Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.
- 清點完所定購的每一件東西后,將這份記錄存檔。
- Stephen checked on her several times during the night.
- 斯蒂芬夜里起來看了她好幾遍。
- He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre.
- 他住進了戒酒治療中心。