英 [w??n]美[w?rn]
- adj. 疲倦的;用舊的
- v. 穿;磨損(wear的過去分詞);佩戴
- n. (Worn)人名;(柬)翁;(英、葡)沃恩
- an old pair of worn jeans
- 一條破舊的牛仔褲
- The stone steps were worn and broken.
- 這些石頭臺階被磨平破裂了。
- She came out of the ordeal looking thin and worn.
- 她經歷過這場苦難后顯得憔悴不堪。
- Worn rugs increase the danger of tripping...
- 磨損的小地毯會使人更容易絆倒。
- Most of the trek is along worn paths.
- 大部分時候都是沿著被人踩得坑坑洼洼的小路跋涉。
- She was looking very haggard and worn.
- 她看上去非常憔悴和疲憊。
- The child's trousers have worn through at the knees.
- 孩子褲子的膝蓋處磨破了.
- My new shoes are on the tight side but should be all right after I have worn them a few times.
- 我這雙新鞋小了一點,但穿過幾次后就會松一些.
- If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.
- 你如果這么糟蹋你的外套, 它很快就不能穿了.
- The bottom of the bucket has worn through after all this time.
- 經過這么長時間,這只桶的底部終于磨穿了.
- The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time.
- 年深月久,碑文已經磨滅了.
- The nap of the coat has been worn off.
- 外衣上的絨毛已經磨掉了.
- She is worn to a shadow.
- 她快要累死了.
- Centuries of wind and rain had worn away the inscriptions on the gravestones.
- 幾個世紀的風雨已磨損了墓碑上的碑文.
- This cloth has worn thin.
- 這布已磨損得很薄了.
- The socks are worn into holes.
- 襪子磨破了.
- I've worn through the elbow of this old coat at last.
- 最后我把這件舊外套的肘部磨出了窟窿.
- The knees of these trousers have been completely worn through.
- 這些褲子的膝蓋已經磨破了.
- The back tyre tread is worn a little.
- 后車胎胎面有點磨損.
- The carpets had worn rather threadbare.
- 地毯已磨得相當破舊了.
- My shoes are worn out.
- 我的鞋子穿壞了.
- Protective helmets must be worn on site.
- 在工地必須戴防護帽.
- She doffs her garb worn under fire and wears again female attire.
- 脫我戰時袍著我舊時裳.
- The bolt is worn and not an exact fit but it will serve its turn until I can buy a new one.
- 這個螺栓已經壞了,不能擰緊了,但在我還未買來新的之前暫時再用一下.
- I am worn out with domestic worries.
- 我被家庭里的煩惱事弄得疲憊不堪.
- Rocks weather until they are worn away.
- 巖石風化,直至損壞.
- I bought those new plates cheaply, and the pretty rose pattern has worn off already!
- 我買的那些新盤子倒是便宜, 不過那美麗的玫瑰花花紋已經磨掉了!
- These shoes are worn out.
- 這雙鞋破得不能再穿了。