英 ['m?n?d??]
- n. 經理;管理人員
- a bank/hotel manager
- 銀行 / 酒店經理
- the sales/marketing/personnel manager
- 銷售部 / 市場部 / 人事部經理
- a meeting of area managers
- 地區經理會議
- the new manager of Italy
- 意大利隊的新主教練
- The chef, staff and managers are all Chinese.
- 廚師、工作人員和經理都是中國人。
- ...Linda Emery, marketing manager for Wall's sausages.
- 琳達·埃默里——沃爾香腸公司的營銷經理
- He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store.
- 他自薦當我們商場的經理.
- If you have a bag or a case, put it on the floor beside your chair.
- 如果你有一個包或一個箱子, 把它放在你棒子旁邊的地板上.
- The manager is intolerant of fools.
- 那位經理不能容忍沒頭腦的人.
- He is a manager capable of leadership.
- 他是個富有領導才能的經理.
- The manager thought he was a reliable person and told him all about the new plan.
- 經理認為他是一個可靠的人,并把關于新計劃的全部內容都告訴了他.
- The bank manager has ironed out all my worries about money.
- 銀行經理消除了我對錢款的憂慮.
- My wife is an excellent manager.
- 我妻子是一個非常好的當家人.
- Can you recommend him to the manager?
- 你能把他舉薦給經理 嗎 ?
- I deputised for the manager when she was ill.
- 經理生病時由我代她執行職務.
- The manager replied with promptness and courtesy.
- 那經理思路敏捷、彬彬有禮地作了答復.
- Our manager lives three doors off.
- 我們經理住在隔壁第三家.
- They pictured their manager as a buffoon.
- 他們把經理描繪成一個小丑.
- He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the company.
- 他被提升為公司的總經理.
- In our company the manager has the last word.
- 在我們公司經理有最后決定權.
- The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.
- 輪到你唱的時候,演播室經理會向你發出暗示的.
- The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy.
- 廣告制作商是我們新市場政策的策劃人.
- She has long been hoping to become the assistant manager.
- 她很久以來就想當經理助理.
- I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Wang, the manager.
- 我想跟王經理約個時間談談.
- As the company's northern sales manager I'm responsible for quite a large territory.
- 作為公司的北方銷售經理,我負責相當大的一片地區.
- He was raised to the position of manager.
- 他晉升為經理.
- The players all have confidence in their manager.
- 隊員都信賴他們的教練。
- They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.
- 為協調這個隊的工作,他們任用了一位新經理。
- He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he's a dead loss.
- 他可能是一個很有天賦的設計師,但作為經理他卻很無能。