英 [spa?t]
- n. 不顧;惡意;怨恨
- vt. 刁難;使惱怒
- I'm sure he only said it out of spite .
- 我相信他只是為了泄憤才那么說的。
- In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.
- 盡管年事已高,他依舊過著一種忙碌的生活。
- They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.
- 他們無視所有那些危險水域告示牌,還是去游泳了。
- English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.
- 雖然當地居民主要是中國人,英語卻成了商業上正式使用的語言。
- He fell asleep, in spite of himself.
- 他還是不由得睡著了。
- They're playing the music so loud just to spite us.
- 他們把音樂放得這么響就是存心要攪擾我們。
- Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage...
- 盡管她從未在舞臺上演唱過,國家歌劇院的約瑟夫·克里普斯還是聘用了她。
- Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
- 盡管面臨眾多的艱難困苦,他們還是幾乎義無反顧地表現出了對生活的熱愛。
- The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself...
- 這番率直的話讓理查德不由自主地大笑起來。
- She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it.
- 她被深深地打動了,禁不住為之動容。
- I refused her a divorce, out of spite I suppose...
- 我拒絕和她離婚,就是為了出口惡氣。
- Never had she met such spite and pettiness.
- 她從未見過這樣的怨恨和偏狹。
- Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband.
- 潘特拉拉斯將自己的藝術藏品全都無償捐了出去,存心要激怒瑪麗和她的丈夫。
- The plan has a sting intail: it means we lose one day's holiday.
- 這個計劃是先甜后苦: 它意味著我們少一天的假期.
- By refusing to work they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces because the company will close down.
- 他們拒絕工作,這是跟自己過不去,因為公司會關閉.
- In spite of his injuries, the young man stuck it out.
- 那小伙子受了傷, 還硬挺著把活干完.
- He has modern ideas in spite of his great age.
- 盡管他年事很高,但思想觀念卻很入時.
- We admire him for his continuance of work in spite of illness.
- 我們佩服他帶病繼續工作.
- In spite of all your talk you never seem to come to the point.
- 你雖然說了那么多話,但好像一直沒貼題.
- He would go in spite of our warnings.
- 他不聽我們的勸告,執意要去.
- In spite of the bad things he's done I still believe in his essential goodness.
- 盡管他做了壞事,我仍然相信他本性是善良的.
- Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends'attempts to dissuade him.
- 奇切思特不顧朋友們的勸阻,再次啟程遠航.
- In spite of the long trip, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.
- 雖然經過長途旅行, 喬迪到達的時候仍然顯得神采奕奕.
- The ship held to its course in spite of the storm.
- 盡管遇上了暴風雨,輪船還是沒有改變航向.
- In spite of his anger, his remarks were restrained.
- 他盡管生氣, 說的話還是有節制的.
- I think that man has a spite against us, he is always trying to disorganise our plans.
- 我看那人對我們不懷好意, 他老是企圖破壞我們的計劃.
- We must plough on somehow in spite of all the difficulties.
- 盡管困難重重,我們仍需堅持下去.
- In spite of one or two minor mishaps everything was going swimmingly.
- 盡管遇到了一兩件小小的不幸,一切都進行得很順利.