英 [test]
- n. 試驗;檢驗
- vt. 試驗;測試
- vi. 試驗;測試
- n. (Test)人名;(英)特斯特
test 見證,證實
來自古法語 tester,見證,證實,來自拉丁語 testari,作證,證實,來自 PIE*tri-st,第三人,來自 PIE*tri,三,詞源同 three,*st,站立,詞源同 stand.字母 r 脫落,詞義演變比較 umpire,裁判,字 面意思為第三人。
test 陶器,測驗,檢驗,測試,試驗來自古法語 test,陶器,特指古代用于測量和檢驗金屬元素的陶土制容器,來自拉丁語 testum, 陶器,陶罐,來自 terra,土,-st,過去分詞格,詞源同 terrine,terrain.引申詞義測量,檢驗等。
- test
- test: [14] Latin testum denoted an ‘earthenware pot’. English acquired it via Old French test, and used it originally for a ‘pot in which metals are subjected to heat’. Among the purposes these tests were put to was assaying, to ascertain the quality of metal, and by the 16th century the word was being used metaphorically for an ‘examination of properties or qualities’. English testy and French tête ‘head’ are close relatives.
=> testy - test (n.)
- late 14c., "small vessel used in assaying precious metals," from Old French test, from Latin testum "earthen pot," related to testa "piece of burned clay, earthen pot, shell" (see tete).
Sense of "trial or examination to determine the correctness of something" is recorded from 1590s. The connecting notion is "ascertaining the quality of a metal by melting it in a pot." Test Act was the name given to various laws in English history meant to exclude Catholics and Nonconformists from office, especially that of 1673, repealed 1828. Test drive (v.) is first recorded 1954. - test (v.)
- 1748, "to examine the correctness of," from test (n.), on the notion of "put to the proof." Earlier "assay gold or silver" in a test (c. 1600). Meaning "to administer a test" is from 1939; sense of "undergo a test" is from 1934. Related: Tested; testing.
- 1. So far 57 have taken the test and all have been negative.
- 到目前為止,參加測試的有57人,測試結果均呈陰性。
- 2. He tried to bluff his way through another test and failed it.
- 他試圖再次在考試中蒙混過關,但卻露餡了。
- 3. The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites.
- 科學家已經在彼此的實驗場所進行了實驗。
- 4. The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do.
- 該試驗能準確地預測一次更大爆炸的威力。
- 5. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.
- 他認為7歲大的學生的測試分數和班級的規模有關系。