英 [stɑ?t]
- vt. 開始;啟動
- vi. 出發
- n. 開始;起點
start 尾巴,屁股
來自中古英語 start,來自古英語 steort,屁股,尾巴,來自 Proto-Germanic*stertaz 硬的,直的, 來自 PIE*ster,僵的,硬的,固定的,詞源同 startle,sterile.
start 開始,啟動來 自 中 古 英 語 sterten, 突 然 跳 起 , 沖 出 , 來 自 古 英 語 styrtan, 跳 動 , 跳 起 , 來 自 Proto-Germanic*stirtana,跳動,跳起,跌倒,摔倒,來自 PIE*ster,僵的,硬的,固定的,詞源 同 startle,sterile.引申詞義開始,啟動等。
- start
- start: [OE] Start originally meant ‘jump, leap, caper’ (‘Him lust not [he did not like] to play nor start, nor to dance, nor to sing’, Chaucer, Romance of the Rose 1366). This gradually evolved via ‘make a sudden movement’ to ‘begin a journey’, but it did not emerge as a fully-fledged synonym for ‘begin’ until the end of the 18th century. Startle [OE], which came from the same Germanic base *start-, has kept more closely to the notion of ‘sudden movement’.
=> startle - start (v.)
- Old English *steortian, *stiertan, Kentish variants of styrtan "to leap up" (related to starian "to stare"), from Proto-Germanic *stert- (cognates: Old Frisian stirta "to fall, tumble," Middle Dutch sterten, Dutch storten "to rush, fall," Old High German sturzen, German stürzen "to hurl, throw, plunge"), of uncertain origin. According to Watkins, the notion is "move briskly, move swiftly," and it is from PIE root *ster- (1) "stiff."
From "move or spring suddenly," sense evolved by late 14c. to "awaken suddenly, flinch or recoil in alarm," and by 1660s to "cause to begin acting or operating." Meaning "begin to move, leave, depart" (without implication of suddenness) is from 1821. The connection probably is from sporting senses ("to force an animal from its lair," late 14c.). Transitive sense of "set in motion or action" is from 1670s; specifically as "to set (machinery) in action" from 1841.
Related: Started; starting. To start something "cause trouble" is 1915, American English colloquial. To start over "begin again" is from 1912. Starting-line in running is from 1855; starting-block in running first recorded 1937. - start (n.)
- late 14c., "an involuntary movement of the body, a sudden jump," from start (v.). Meaning "act of beginning to move or act" is from 1560s. Meaning "act of beginning to build a house" is from 1946. That of "opportunity at the beginning of a career or course of action" is from 1849. Paired with finish (n.) at least from 1839. False start first attested 1850.
- 1. There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.
- 今天地方選舉的投票一開始就人頭攢動。
- 2. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.
- 在開始一天的活動之前,試著做做這些強身健體的體操。
- 3. I saw through your little ruse from the start.
- 從一開始我就看穿了你的小計謀。
- 4. It's just not enough money to start life over.
- 這些錢根本不夠用來開始全新的生活。
- 5. The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.
- 這匹馬為它的新馴馬師開了個好頭。