英 [sket?]
- n. 素描;略圖;梗概
- vt. 畫素描或速寫
- vi. 畫素描或速寫
- n. (Sketch)人名;(英)斯凱奇
1. sketch, sketching: 諧音“速稿成、使概之、是概稱、蝕刻(石刻/私刻)奇、是刻起”。
2. sk-(諧音“速可、是快、使快”)+ etch => sketch.
3. sky + etch => sketch: 刻畫、描繪、描寫天空的素描。
4. 軟件:SketchUp 草圖大師。
2. sk-(諧音“速可、是快、使快”)+ etch => sketch.
3. sky + etch => sketch: 刻畫、描繪、描寫天空的素描。
4. 軟件:SketchUp 草圖大師。
sketch 素描,梗概,輪廓,草圖
來自拉丁語 schedium,臨時(shí)作品,來自希臘語 skhedios,臨時(shí)做的,來自 PIE*segh,持有,握住, 想出,詞源同 schema,scheme.引申諸相關(guān)詞義。
- sketch
- sketch: [17] Sketch comes ultimately from Greek skhédios ‘impromptu’. This reached English by a rather roundabout route: via Latin schedius, which led to a Vulgar Latin verb schediāre ‘do hastily’, source of Italian schizzare ‘make a sketch’, which in turn produced the noun schizzo ‘sketch’, borrowed into English via German skizze or Dutch schets.
- sketch (n.)
- "rough drawing intended to serve as the basis for a finished picture," 1660s, from Dutch schets or Low German skizze, both apparently 17c. artists' borrowings from Italian schizzo "sketch, drawing," which is commonly said to be from Latin *schedius (OED compares schedia "raft," schedium "an extemporaneous poem"), from or related to Greek skhedios "temporary, extemporaneous, done or made off-hand," related to skhema "form, shape, appearance" (see scheme (n.)). But according to Barnhart Italian schizzo is a special use of schizzo "a splash, squirt," from schizzare "to splash or squirt," of uncertain origin.
Extended sense of "brief account" is from 1660s; meaning "short play or performance, usually comic" is from 1789. Sketch-book recorded from 1820. German Skizze, French esquisse, Spanish esquicio are likewise from Italian schizzo. - sketch (v.)
- 1690s, "present the essential facts of," from sketch (n.). Meaning "draw, portray in outline and partial shading" is from 1725. Related: Sketched; sketcher; sketching.
- 1. Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.
- 用不同顏色的氈頭筆畫草圖,以免搞混。
- 2. The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.
- 草圖應(yīng)該是最終繪畫的某種演練。
- 3. I had a basic sketch of a plan.
- 我有一個(gè)基本的計(jì)劃框架。
- 4. I always sketch with pen and paper.
- 我總是用鋼筆和紙畫素描。
- 5. My sister often goes into the country to sketch.
- 我姐姐常到鄉(xiāng)間去寫生.