英 [sɑ?'d?n?k]
- adj. 諷刺的;嘲笑的,冷笑的
比較級:?more sardonic;最高級:?most sardonic;副詞:?sardonically;
sardonic 輕蔑的,嘲弄的
來自拉丁語 sardonius risus,撒丁島的嘲笑,據說來自希臘語 sardonion,一種撒丁島的植物,來 自 Sardo,撒丁島,risus,嘲笑,詞源同 derisive,ridiculous.一種劇毒之物,人吃后會面部抽搐, 帶著詭異的笑容死去,類似于《天龍八部》丁春秋所使用的“逍遙三笑散”。后引申詞義輕 蔑的,嘲弄的。
- sardonic
- sardonic: [17] The Greek word for ‘scornful, mocking’ was sardánios, but this came to be changed to sardónios, which literally meant ‘Sardinian’, through association with the Latin term herba Sardonia ‘Sardinian plant’, the name of a sort of plant which when eaten caused facial contortions that resembled a scornful grin. English acquired the word via Latin sardonius and French sardonique. The sardine [15] probably gets its name from Sardinia too.
=> sardine - sardonic (adj.)
- "apparently but not really proceeding from gaiety," 1630s, from French sardonique (16c.), from Latin sardonius (but as if from Latin *sardonicus) in Sardonius risus, loan-translation of Greek sardonios (gelos) "of bitter or scornful (laughter)," altered from Homeric sardanios (of uncertain origin) by influence of Sardonios "Sardinian," because the Greeks believed that eating a certain plant they called sardonion (literally "plant from Sardinia," see Sardinia) caused facial convulsions resembling those of sardonic laughter, usually followed by death. For nuances of usage, see humor. Earlier in same sense sardonian (1580s), from Latin sardonius. Related: Sardonically.
- 1. Occasionally he made a humorously sardonic remark.
- 他時不時說一句幽默嘲諷的話。
- 2. She gave him a sardonic smile.
- 她朝他譏諷地笑了一笑.
- 3. " I'm not being silly,'she replied with a sardonic laugh.
- 她冷笑道: “ 我才不胡說呢.
來自漢英文學 - 圍城
- 4. The thought brought a sardonic smile to Wu Sun - fu's lips.
- 吳蓀 甫 獰笑了.
- 5. " You needn't be afraid, " he said with a sardonic smile.
- 屠維岳冷冷地微笑. “ 你不要慌!