英 ['pr?kt?s]美['pr?kt?s]
- n. 實踐;練習;慣例
- vi. 練習;實習;實行
- vt. 練習;實習;實行
practice 實踐,練習,訓練,從業,工作
- practice
- practice: [15] The ultimate source of practice is Greek prássein ‘do, practise’. From its base *prak- were derived the noun praxis ‘doing, action’ (source of English praxis [16]) and the adjective praktós ‘to be done’. On this was based praktikós ‘concerned with action, practical’. This passed into English via late Latin practicus as practice [14], which was later superseded by practical [17].
From practicus was derived the medieval Latin verb practicāre, later practizāre. This passed into English via Old French practiser as practise [15]. The derived noun practise was altered to practice in the 16th century, on the analogy of pairs like advice/advise.
=> practical, practise, pragmatic, praxis - practice (v.)
- c. 1400, "to do, act;" early 15c., "to follow or employ; to carry on a profession," especially medicine, from Old French pratiser, practiser "to practice," alteration of practiquer, from Medieval Latin practicare "to do, perform, practice," from Late Latin practicus "practical," from Greek praktikos "practical" (see practical).
From early 15c. as "to perform repeatedly to acquire skill, to learn by repeated performance;" mid-15c. as "to perform, to work at, exercise." Related: Practiced; practicing. - practice (n.)
- early 15c., practise, "practical application," originally especially of medicine but also alchemy, education, etc.; from Old French pratiser, from Medieval Latin practicare (see practice (v.)). From early 15c. often assimilated in spelling to nouns in -ice. Also as practic, which survived in parallel into 19c.
- 1. His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice.
- 由于多年練習空手道,他的雙手粗糙不平,布滿老繭。
- 2. The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing.
- 部長們表達了對持續進行的種族清洗的憂慮。
- 3. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.
- 畢業稅具體操作起來不啻一場行政噩夢。
- 4. Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.
- 教學實踐中經常會出現突然的變化與改革。
- 5. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.
- 協會的所有成員都遵守一套嚴格的行為規范。