英 [pa?l]
- n. 堆;大量;建筑群
- vt. 累積;打樁于
- vi. 擠;堆積;積累
- n. (Pile)人名;(西)皮萊;(英)派爾
pile 堆,摞
pile 絨毛,毛發來自拉丁語pilus,頭發,毛發,來自PIE*pil,拔,一綹毛發,詞源同caterpillar,depilatory.
pile 樁,楔子來自古英語pil,木樁,箭,來自拉丁語pilum,標槍,長矛,來自PIE*peis,搗,杵,詞源同 pestle,piston.
- pile
- pile: English has three words pile. The commonest, ‘heap’ [15], originally meant ‘pillar’. It comes ultimately from Latin pīla ‘pillar’, source also of English pilaster, pillar, etc. This evolved in meaning to ‘pier or harbour wall made of stones’, and inspired a derived verb pīlāre ‘heap up’ (source of English compile [14]).
The sense ‘heap’ came to the fore in Old French pile, and passed into English. Pile ‘post driven into the ground’ [OE] was borrowed into Old English from Latin pīlum ‘javelin’. It was originally used for a ‘throwing spear’, ‘arrow’, or ‘spike’, and its present-day use did not emerge (via ‘pointed stake or post’) until the Middle English period. Pile ‘nap on cloth, carpets, etc’ [15] probably comes via Anglo-Norman pyle from Latin pilus ‘hair’ (which may be distantly related to English pillage and pluck, and lies behind English depilatory [17]).
=> compile, pilaster, pillar; depilatory - pile (n.1)
- "mass, heap," early 15c., originally "pillar, pier of a bridge," from Middle French pile and directly from Latin pila "stone barrier, pillar, pier" (see pillar). Sense development in Latin from "pier, harbor wall of stones," to "something heaped up." In English, sense of "heap of things" is attested from mid-15c. (the verb in this sense is recorded from mid-14c.). The meaning "large building" (late 14c.) is probably the same word.
- pile (n.2)
- "heavy pointed beam," from Old English pil "stake," also "arrow," from Latin pilum heavy javelin of the Roman foot soldier, literally "pestle" (source of Old Norse pila, Old High German pfil, German Pfeil "arrow"), of uncertain origin.
- pile (n.3)
- "soft, raised surface upon cloth," mid-14c., "downy plumage," from Anglo-French pyle or Middle Dutch pijl, both from Latin pilus "a hair" (source of Italian pelo, Old French pel). Phonological evidence rules out transmission of the English word via Old French cognate peil, poil. Meaning "nap upon cloth" is from 1560s.
- pile (v.)
- "to heap up," mid-14c.; see pile (n.1). Related: Piled; piling. Figurative verbal expression pile on "attack vigorously, attack en masse," is from 1894, American English.
- 1. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.
- 桌上空盤子的旁邊是一堆書。
- 2. The entire pile shifted and slid, thumping onto the floor.
- 那整整一摞東西動了一下后滑落下來,嘭的一聲全掉到了地上。
- 3. I've got a pile of questions afterwards for you.
- 我有一大堆的問題等著過后問你。
- 4. Pick over the fruit and pile on top of the cream.
- 揀出好的水果,碼放在奶油上。
- 5. She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers.
- 她從一堆報紙下面抽出一張照片。