英 [ha?s]
- n. 住宅;家庭;機構;議會;某種用途的建筑物
- vt. 覆蓋;給…房子?。话选瓋Σ卦诜績?/li>
- vi. 住
- n. (House)人名;(英)豪斯
house 房屋,屋子
- house
- house: [OE] The ultimate origins of house are uncertain. The furthest it can be positively traced into the past is to a prehistoric Germanic *khūsam, which also produced German haus, Dutch huus (probably a close relative of English husk), and Swedish hus (descendant of Old Norse hús, which provided the hus- of English husband). Beyond that, all is speculation: some have argued, for instance, that *khūsam came from an Indo-European *keudh- ‘cover, hide’, source also of English hide, hoard, and hut.
=> husband, husk, husting - house (n.)
- Old English hus "dwelling, shelter, house," from Proto-Germanic *husan (cognates: Old Norse, Old Frisian hus, Dutch huis, German Haus), of unknown origin, perhaps connected to the root of hide (v.) [OED]. In Gothic only in gudhus "temple," literally "god-house;" the usual word for "house" in Gothic being razn.
Meaning "family, including ancestors and descendants, especially if noble" is from c. 1000. The legislative sense (1540s) is transferred from the building in which the body meets. Meaning "audience in a theater" is from 1660s (transferred from the theater itself, playhouse); as a dance club DJ music style, probably from the Warehouse, a Chicago nightclub where the style is said to have originated. Zodiac sense is first attested late 14c. To play house is from 1871; as suggestive of "have sex, shack up," 1968. House arrest first attested 1936. On the house "free" is from 1889.And the Prophet Isaiah the sonne of Amos came to him, and saide vnto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not liue. [2 Kings xx:1, version of 1611]
- house (v.)
- "give shelter to," Old English husian "to take into a house" (cognate with German hausen, Dutch huizen); see house (n.). Related: Housed; housing.
- 1. "Detached" collocates with "house".
- detached與house搭配使用。
- 2. " Home " is a much more emotive word than " house ".
- home (家)是遠比 house (住屋)更能激起感情的字眼.
- 3. The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.
- 房子里似乎悄然無聲,安靜得好像已經沒人在住一樣。
- 4. Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.
- 哈里繼承了這座房子以及相當大的一片土地。
- 5. On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day.
- 科恩星期天一整天都在家無所事事。