英 [b??n]美[b?n]
- vt. 燃燒;燒毀,灼傷;激起…的憤怒
- vi. 燃燒;燒毀;發熱
- n. 灼傷,燒傷;烙印
- n. (Burn)人名;(英)伯恩
復數:?burns;第三人稱單數:?burns;過去式:?burned;? burnt;過去分詞:?burned;? burnt;現在分詞:?burning;
burn 燃燒
來自PIE *bher, 燃燒,發光,加熱。詞源同brew.
- burn
- burn: [OE] English has two separate words burn. The commoner, relating to ‘fire’, is actually a conflation of two Old English verbs: birnan, which was intransitive, and b?rnan, which was transitive. Both come ultimately from the Germanic base *bren-, *bran-, which also produced brand and possibly broil, and was the source of German brennen and Swedish brinna ‘burn’ (another variant of the base, *brun-, lies behind the brim- of brimstone).
It has been conjectured that Latin fervēre ‘boil’ (source of English fervent and ferment) may be connected. Burn ‘stream’ comes from Old English burn(e), burna, which was a descendant of a Germanic base *brun-, source also of German brunne ‘stream’. This too has been linked with Latin fervēre (from the notion of fast-running water ‘boiling’ over rocks).
=> brand, brimstone, broil, ferment, fervent - burn (v.)
- 12c., combination of Old Norse brenna "to burn, light," and two originally distinct Old English verbs: b?rnan "to kindle" (transitive) and beornan "to be on fire" (intransitive), all from Proto-Germanic *brennan/*brannjan (cognates: Middle Dutch bernen, Dutch branden, Old High German brinnan, German brennen, Gothic -brannjan "to set on fire"). This perhaps is from PIE
*gwher- "to heat, warm" (see warm (adj.)), or from PIE *bhre-n-u, from root *bhreue- "to boil forth, well up" (see brew (v.)). Related: Burned/burnt (see -ed); burning.
Figuratively (of passions, battle, etc.) in Old English. Meaning "cheat, swindle, victimize" is first attested 1650s. In late 18c, slang, burned meant "infected with venereal disease." To burn one's bridges (behind one) "behave so as to destroy any chance of returning to a status quo" (attested by 1892 in Mark Twain), perhaps ultimately is from reckless cavalry raids in the American Civil War. Slavic languages have historically used different and unrelated words for the transitive and intransitive senses of "set fire to"/"be on fire:" for example Polish pali?/gorze?, Russian ?e?'/gorel. - burn (n.)
- c. 1300, "act of burning," from Old English bryne, from the same source as burn (v.). Until mid-16c. the usual spelling was brenne. Meaning "mark made by burning" is from 1520s. Slow burn first attested 1938, in reference to U.S. movie actor Edgar Kennedy (1890-1948), who made it his specialty.
- 1. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.
- 發電站燒的煤產自魯爾地區。
- 2. He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.
- 他是高收入的經紀人,有花不完的錢。
- 3. Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily.
- 就要做好時得小心看著,因為它們很容易燒糊。
- 4. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.
- 傳統的刀耕火種農業方式耗盡了土地的肥力。
- 5. He might burn himself out and go to an early grave.
- 他可能會因為勞累過度而英年早逝。