英 [b?ld?]
- n. 脹;膨脹;凸出部分
- vt. 使膨脹;使凸起
- vi. 膨脹;凸出
1. bulge 與 bugle 的區(qū)別。
2. The Bulge => 二戰(zhàn)時德國與盟軍進行的一場著名的《突出部戰(zhàn)役》,該戰(zhàn)役被拍成了電影,其中文譯名為《坦克大決戰(zhàn)》。
3. bugle => bug- (from Latin buculus "heifer, young ox", diminutive of bos (genitive bovis) "ox, cow") + -le (diminutive). => 原意為:young bull;后來引申為:wild ox, buffalo;再后來引申為:用牛角做的號角,于是便有了今天的含義。
4. bugle => abbreviation of buglehorn "musical horn, hunting horn";原意為牛角,由此引申為號角,也就是用牛角做的號角。
5. bulge 與 budget 同源,都源于拉丁語 bulga (皮包).
6. bulge:飽之。讓他吃飽,吃飽了肚子就脹起來了——膨脹,鼓起。
7. bulge “包”→凸出部分
2. The Bulge => 二戰(zhàn)時德國與盟軍進行的一場著名的《突出部戰(zhàn)役》,該戰(zhàn)役被拍成了電影,其中文譯名為《坦克大決戰(zhàn)》。
3. bugle => bug- (from Latin buculus "heifer, young ox", diminutive of bos (genitive bovis) "ox, cow") + -le (diminutive). => 原意為:young bull;后來引申為:wild ox, buffalo;再后來引申為:用牛角做的號角,于是便有了今天的含義。
4. bugle => abbreviation of buglehorn "musical horn, hunting horn";原意為牛角,由此引申為號角,也就是用牛角做的號角。
5. bulge 與 budget 同源,都源于拉丁語 bulga (皮包).
6. bulge:飽之。讓他吃飽,吃飽了肚子就脹起來了——膨脹,鼓起。
7. bulge “包”→凸出部分
bulge 塞滿
詞源同ball, 膨脹,鼓起,球。
- bulge
- bulge: [13] Etymologically, bulge and budget are the same word, and indeed when English first acquired bulge it was as a noun, with, like budget, the sense ‘pouch’. It came from Old French bouge ‘leather bag’, a descendant of Latin bulga, which may have been of Gaulish origin (medieval Irish bolg ‘bag’ has been compared). The word’s present-day connotations of ‘swelling’ and ‘protruding’ presumably go back to an early association of ‘pouches’ with ‘swelling up when filled’ (compare the case of bellows and belly, which originally meant ‘bag’, and came from a source which meant ‘swell’), but curiously, apart from an isolated instance around 1400 when bulge is used for a ‘hump on someone’s back’, there is no evidence for this meaning in English before the 17th century.
Additionally, from the 17th to the 19th centuries bulge was used for the ‘bottom of a ship’s hull’; it has now been superseded in this sense by bilge [15], which may well be a variant form.
=> bilge, budget - bulge (n.)
- c. 1200, "wallet, leather bag," from Old French bouge, boulge "wallet, pouch, leather bag," or directly from Latin bulga "leather sack" (see budget (n.)). Sense of "a swelling" is first recorded 1620s. Bilge (q.v.) might be a nautical variant.
- bulge (v.)
- "to protrude, swell out," 1670s, from bulge (n.). Related: Bulged; bulging.
- 1. His eyes seemed to bulge like those of a toad.
- 他的眼睛鼓得像癩蛤蟆。
- 2. The apple made a bulge in his pocket.
- 蘋果把他口袋塞得鼓了起來.
- 3. What's that awkward bulge in your pocket?
- 你口袋里那塊鼓鼓囊囊的東西是 什么 ?
- 4. The moon's gravity pulls the waters of the earth into a bulge.
- 月球引力吸引地球上的水,形成漲潮.
- 5. It was like a broad bulge moving toward the shore.
- 它象一座大山一樣向海岸壓過來.