我們知道breeze是微風,shoot the breeze這個習慣用語最初出現在1941年。它的意思類似于我們不久前學的另一個習慣用語:chew the fat。你還記得chew the fat解釋什么嗎?就是閑...
Situation 7:P.E.(Kevin’s second period class is P.E. , or Physical Education.His teacher, Mr.Knight, is also the football coach.)Okay,class, today we&rsqu...
Who’s your favorite movie star? What’s your favourite type of music? 先做做下面的測試,因為熱愛影視音樂,追求時尚流行的你不得不知道這些必備單詞和詞組。1...
偶爾刷英美劇時會看到beats me這個說法,好奇英美人的腦回路,“請別人打自己”嗎?當然不是。一瞬間的好奇后,很快就被解密了。beats me是一個短語,通常用來表示“我不知道;問倒我...
話說我有一個帥帥的瑞士室友 Yves,人非常地有幽默感,又是我們 Geogia Tech 的羽毛球冠軍。當然也就吸引了一群仰慕他的美國小妞,這群金發美眉個個能歌善舞,常找我室友去開 party...
L: that would be a good shot. Can you take my picture here, dear? Please try to get the garden in the frame as well.J: all right. Would you please stand closer...
0807Lesson Eight Age 年齡I’d rather not tell you my age.我可不想談我的年齡。I’d rather do sth.I’d rather go for a walk.I’d rather be off...
Don’t be a baby! 的意思是“不要發牢騷不要抱怨”,“別太孩子氣”。例句:He’s such a baby.他總發牢騷。Don’t be a baby! Go talk to your boss!別跟我發...
What do you think of that girl?Do you think it’s all right?From my point of view,this problem must be solved at once.I think you’d better do so.What...
Rick: the chef is going to slice it into thin pieces. There will be around one hundred and twenty pieces of both skin and meat for each.A: I see. The chef is so...
大多數人看到標題,肯定會想“這一定又是標題黨!”但是,如果你點進來看了,說明你真的對自己的口語不自信。最重要的是,這個標題是真的,絕大多數人真的不會回答“Where are you fro...
Donny 在北京學漢語,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎么說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是瓊燕要問的:路癡。Donny: Hey瓊燕! You went hiking over the weekend, right? How w...
Jessica在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎么說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是吳瓊要問的:宅男宅女。Jessica: Wuqiong, 聽說你表妹從上海來看你了,怎么樣, Are you...
這節課學習音標[z]的發音 ,通常有字母組合z, s, ze, se, es發這個音。英語單詞舉例:zero零;zip拉鏈;rose玫瑰;cheese奶酪;zebra斑馬;nose鼻子;音標練練看:1. 聽錄音,根據發音規...
《美國主婦》口語學習,跟著真實無比的主婦Katie學習地道口語。小伙伴們學習之后,可以在日常英語交流中秀出來哦!1. Dad,I’ll leave you to handle this.爸爸,你來解決這件事。N...
It’s clear, from Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation hearings, that she has a warm relationship with her family and friends,...
Tongue TwisterIf silly Sally will shilly-shally, shall silly Willy-nilly Shilly-shally, too?如果愚蠢的sally猶豫不決的話,那么愚蠢的威利也會不容分辯的猶豫不決嗎?sh...
1. What does Martha look like?She’s tall, dark and beautiful.2. What else can you tell me?Well, she has long, black hair and blue eyes.She’s kind of...
土豆視頻:講義:I didn’t say he stole the money.1. I didn’t say he stole the money. Someone else said it.(It’s true that somebody said it, but I wasn’t that per...
1. Thank God!謝天謝地!2. It’s a big relief.現在輕松多了。3. Good for you.能這樣真好!4. Everything worked out well.都解決了。5. I’m so relieved to hear...
18. Go ahead.可以,做吧。用法透視這個句型用來對對方的要求表示允許,根據不同的情況有不同的含義,如"進行;開始;往下說......"。支持范例1. Go ahead. We’re all listen...
現在潮人咋說“感謝”?1. Cheers 謝謝2. Ta 謝了3. That's great 好棒啊4. Cool 酷5. OK 好6. Brilliant 太棒了7. Lovely 太可愛了8. Nice one 真不錯9. Much...
It has been a long time since I kept a diary, but I am then thinking more and more about the value of some kind of journal.Although writing daily in a diary is...
工作當中,很容易碰到需要打斷別人的情形。比如向你的老板交代工作的時候剛好他在談別的事情,那么如何做到既不耽誤工作,又不會使被打斷的人不高興呢?I’m sorry, but may I int...
1. Have at you!如果外國夫婦請你到家里吃飯,看著一桌豐盛的酒席,你問他們可以開始吃了嗎,他們通常會說"Sure. Have at it." (當然,吃吧)。當兩個小孩子在相互追逐歡樂,互相打斗...
K: did you get the position you wanted?C: yes, I’ll be promoted to department manager.K: I’m glad to hear that. Congratulations!C: thank you. Actual...