Don’t you wish there was a small trick or two that could make you more attractive to the opposite sex? It turns out there are plenty。
We combed through some recent scientific studies to find personal grooming tips, dietary changes and other fixes that are proven to make you more attractive。
Go for a ride...on a roller coaster。坐....。。過山車
Take your date or someone you want to be romantically involved with on a roller coaster。
A study from earlier last year revealed that roller coaster riders found their non-romantic co-riders more attractive after a whip around the track, according to The Daily Mail。
There was no difference for couples who were already romantically linked, so this trick only works with potential partners。
Eat your fruits and vegetables for glowing skin。多吃水果蔬菜讓肌膚煥發光彩
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a natural way to make your skin look more attractive, a study from PLoS ONE showed。
The redness and yellowness of skin in white people may be linked to the number of servings of fruit and vegetables they eat daily, the study showed. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and plant-based pigments, which seem to give skin a healthy hue。
Better yet, the results are instant. Participants in the study had rosier cheeks and healthier looking skin with just an increase of one portion of fruit and vegetables a day。
Keep those teeth pearly white保持牙齒白亮
A study confirmed the obvious, that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth make people seem more attractive。
The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, found that teeth are "the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail," according to The Daily Mail。
They are a sign of health and good genetics that help select a mate。
Women should keep red lipstick handy。女人應該隨身帶口紅
Ladies, pick up some red lipstick next time you’re at the drug store。
A woman’s lips are the most attractive part of her body, especially when colored with red lipstick, a study from the Manchester University revealed。
The study found that men stared at a woman’s lips for seven full seconds when they were colored red. In comparison, they spent just 0.95 seconds looking at her eyes and 0.85 seconds gazing at her hair。