Stop being too obsessed with productivity.別再過于迷信產出率了。
The productivity of a worker is rather important.一個職場人的產出率是挺重要的。
The amount of work you do says something about your ability, but only in a limited way.你完成的工作量可以說明你的能力,不過它的程度很有限。
Besides, comparing two people’s ability simply by the amount of work they do is really not a smart way.而且,光以工作量的多少來比較兩個人的能力,真的是一種低端的比較方式。
Such value is used to judge the assembly line workers in the industrial age, and it is obviously inappropriate to judge today’s brain workers.這種價值觀是在工業時代用來評判流水線工人的,現在拿來評判腦力勞動者顯然不合適。
If you think about how to do more work every day, your mindset will become increasingly fixed, and your ability to solve open problems will get worse over time.如果你每天的思考重心都是怎樣做出更多的活,你的大腦就會越來越機械化,久而久之你解決開放性問題的能力就會越來越差。
Moreover, this way of working will take up your time when you should be making strategic planning. Instead, you are only trying to become a better-functioning part of a machine, which is definitely not good for your long-term career development.況且,這樣的工作方式會讓你無暇做戰略性的規劃,你只是在努力成為一個更好用的零件,這對你長遠的職業發展肯定是不利的。