One day my little dog Milo escaped the fenced yard of a friend in Vancouver and ran off.有一天,我帶著我的小狗Milo去拜訪一位居住在溫哥華的朋友,小狗從圍欄逃了出去,跑不見了。
We suspect he run away after the 4th fireworks.那個晚上有焰火晚會,我們猜想,它是在第四個焰火升空后逃走的。
He ran for miles他一連跑了數公里
all the way to the northbound freeway ramp 一直跑到了通向北方的高速公路匝道上
and was running in and out of traffic on the freeway.在高速公路的車流里穿進穿出
A young couple spent several hours chasing him down一對小夫妻看見了它,他們花了幾個小時的時間才追到它
by car and on foot,一開始開著車,后來又徒步跟著它跑
rescued him他們救了它
and called me after noting my phone number on his collar.發現狗狗項圈上留有我的電話號碼,又給我打了電話
They waited for me in a grocery store parking lot他們在一家雜貨店旁邊的停車場里等著我
until I came to pick him up.直到我到了那里,把狗狗接走
If it hadn’t been for them,如果不是因為他們
he surely would have been killed on the freeway.我的狗狗一定早就在公速公路上被撞死了
Their kindness will never be forgotten!他們的善良我將永遠銘記于心!