What is the kindest thing a pet has done for you?寵物為你做過什么最好的事?
獲得28.1k好評的回答@June Smith:
My dog gave her life to save my son.我的狗為了救我兒子獻出了生命。
Cindy, my dog, was six years old and she was the most home-loving and obedient dog. I loved her and she knew it. When my son was born, she was immediately very protective over him. She’d sit beside his pram for hours, popping her front legs up onto the pram every now and then to make sure he was ok.我的狗Cindy當時6歲,它最愛這個家最溫馴。我愛它,它也知道。我兒子出生時它馬上開始當起了保鏢。它會在他的嬰兒車旁坐幾個小時,偶爾把前腿伸到嬰兒車上試探我兒子是否沒事。
My son was almost three years old. We lived near a busy road and we were super vigilant at always child-proofing the front door - without exception.我兒子差不多三歲時,我們家附近一條路上車很多,我們一直很警惕不讓孩子出前門——從無例外。
One morning, around 4 am, our son somehow managed to ‘escape’ through his bedroom window. Cindy knew not to go outside (apart from the garden) without us. She also knew that our son wasn’t allowed to go through the front door without us, evidenced by her pushing at him if he fiddled with the front door handle. She didn’t know that it was double locked. This day, she followed my son through the window.一天早上凌晨4點左右,我兒子不知怎么地成功“逃”出了臥室窗戶,Cindy知道沒有我們陪著不能出去(除了花園之外),它也知道沒有我們的時候禁止我兒子從前門出去,我兒子一碰前門把手它就會推他,從這一點能看出它知道這些,但它不知道門上了兩道鎖。那天它跟著我兒子從窗戶出去了。
At 5 am, the police woke us knocking on the door. Their words were - “your son was nearly killed but your dog copped it”. They then reiterated what the lorry driver had said…凌晨5點警察來敲門把我們弄醒了。他們說:“你兒子差點死了,是你家的狗救了他?!比缓笏麄儚褪隽丝ㄜ囁緳C的話…
He told them that he was driving along in the dark and in the distance he could see something ‘light coloured’ moving on the road. As he got closer, he could see a dog at the side of the road barking and barking at the ‘light coloured’ something. At the last moment, he realised that this was a child and was about to swerve. He said he could see the dog, still barking and glancing between the truck and the child. While the driver was braking, the dog ran out into the road, jumped at the child’s back and threw him out of the path of the lorry and at the same time, the lorry hit the dog and killed her.司機告訴他們他當時正在開車,一片漆黑,離很遠他就看見一個“淺色東西”正在馬路上移動。他走近了看見路邊有一條狗一直朝著那個“淺色東西”叫。最后一刻他才發(fā)現(xiàn)那是個孩子,立刻轉向。他說能看見那條狗仍在叫,看了看卡車和孩子。司機剎車時狗就沖到路上,跳到孩子背后,把他推出了卡車的路線,同時卡車把狗撞死了。
According to the police, the driver said that he’d never believe what he saw unless it was with his own eyes. He said that the dog definitely knew the danger which is why she was barking so anxiously. He said “that dog just saved that kid’s life and it knew what it was doing.”據(jù)警察說,司機說要不是親眼所見他簡直不能相信自己所看到的,那只狗一定知道有危險,才叫得如此急切,它救了孩子的命,而且它知道自己在做什么。
That was 39 years ago and I still miss Cindy every day. She was a rough collie (a lassie dog) and I can understand why this breed was chosen for the movies.39年過去了,我每天都想Cindy,它是一條蘇格蘭牧羊犬(一條小母狗),我能理解為什么拍電影會選這個品種的狗。