What are some reasons people are single?大家單身的原因是什么?
獲得3.3k好評的答案@Brandon Smietana
Women are not as beautiful as mathematics.女人還沒有數學運算來的好看。
獲得628好評的答案@Rishi Kumar
They are not single. They are in a relationship with their computers.他們并不是單身,他們只是和他們的電腦在交往罷了。
獲得183好評的答案@Joni Cham
I’m single because:我單身是因為:
I am very, very, very picky. I figure I’d rather be single than be stuck in a relationship with someone I’m not totally crazy about.我非常、非常、非常挑剔。我想我寧可單身也不要被困在和我一點也不喜歡的人在一起的關系中。
Unfortunately, the few who pass my standards do not seem to like me that way.不幸的是,少數達到我交往標準的人似乎并不那么喜歡我。
I’m lazy. I don’t make much of an effort to meet people and get to know mildly interesting people.我很懶。我并沒有在迎合別人上花費太多精力,也沒有去結交稍微有點意思的人。
I’m busy. I work a lot. Also, I do a lot of other things when I’m not at work and most of them do not involve meeting single men.我很忙,我工作繁重,我在工作以外的時間也有很多其他事情要做,而他們之中的大部分都無關和單身男子見面的事。
I’m shy. I will not make the first move because rejection sucks.我很害羞,我不會走出第一步,因為被發卡實在是太糟糕了。
獲得37好評的答案@Syeda Younus
I take relationships seriously, that is something I can’t help, so I become pretty emotionally involved. This results in me being extremely picky. Also, because relationships are so important to me when I have one, it’s not really compatible with my being extremely busy at this younger stage in my life.我會忍不住很認真地對待情侶關系,所以我會投入很多感情。這就導致我在這方面非常挑剔。也正是因為情侶關系對我如此重要,當我談戀愛的時候,我將無法將它和我人生里這個較為年輕的階段中忙碌的生活之間的關系處理好。
Or maybe just because I’m young and don’t really know what I am looking for, and thus am commitment-phobic.或者也有可能只是因為我還年輕,并不知道自己真正想要的是什么,因此害怕給出承諾。
I’m ugly.因為我長得丑。