What are some mind-blowing facts about social psychology?有什么關于社會心理學的驚人事實?
獲得7k好評的回答@Aayush Shrivastava:
My 3 year old son doesn’t like to drink his milk. So we never ask him to “drink his glass of milk”. We just ask him - “do you want milk in a glass or a ‘baby’ bottle?”我3歲的兒子不喜歡喝牛奶。所以我們從來不讓他“把杯里牛奶喝掉”。我們只是問他:“你想用杯子還是用奶瓶喝牛奶?”
Well, no points for guessing, it works every time… well, nearly every time. On most days, he ends up asking for a ‘glass of milk’.毫無懸念,屢試不爽…恩,幾乎每次都奏效。大部分時候他最終會選“用杯子喝牛奶”。
So, what exactly do we do here?? We offer him a choice. Rather than forcing our decision, we let him decide. But he doesn’t decide the end result (drinking the milk) but just the means (glass or baby bottle).那么我們究竟是怎樣做到的呢?我們給他選擇權。我們不是把自己的決定強加給他,我們讓他來決定。但他對最終結果沒有決定權(喝牛奶),只能選擇工具(杯子或奶瓶)。
We deceive his brain by empowering it, yet making it choose what we want.我們通過給他自主權誤導他,讓他選擇我們想要的結果。
This is how all major corporations work.所有主要合作都是這樣完成的。
This is how all governments work.所有政府都是如此運行的。
This is how all relationships work.所有關系都是這樣維持的。
獲得5.4k好評的回答@Jawad Bataineh:
1.Not having friends is as deadly as smoking.1.沒有朋友就像吸煙一樣致命。
There’s a relation between being lonely and blood clotting protein, which can lead to heart attacks.孤獨和凝血蛋白之間有聯系,會導致心臟病。
2. What people look at on a screen or picture depends on what you say to them.2.人們在屏幕或圖片中看到的是什么取決于你跟他們說了什么。
If the picture hadn’t said that it was Wolverine first, would you have seen it first?如果上面這張圖沒有先告訴你這是金剛狼,你能先看出是金剛狼嗎?
3. In our minds we tend to imitate and feel empathy for other people. We learn this as babies.3.在我們的思想中傾向于模仿并對他人產生同感,這是在嬰兒期學會的。
I shouldn’t really say learn because it’s actually wired into our heads. But when we do an action a certain set of neurons fire, and when we watch someone do an action that certain set of neurons also fire as if you were doing it yourself.其實我不該用“學習”這個字眼,因為這些其實是很自然地進入我們頭腦中的。我們進行某個活動時特定的神經元會被激活,當我們看到別人做一個活動時,那些神經元也會被激活,就好像你自己在做一樣。