A rich young man decided to do some diving in the sea, so he bought a rubber suit, and took some lessons at a diving school. Then one day, he walked into the water and began to explore the bottom of the sea.
He suddenly saw a man waving his arms and legs around wildly near the bottom of the sea. He was only wearing a bathing suit.
The rich young man was very surprised to see him, so he took out a plastic notebook and a special pencil and wrote “What are you doing?”
The other man took the pencil and wrote “Drowning!”
British potato farmers were taking to the streets for the expression “couch potato” to be removed from the Oxford English Dictionary, for it harms the image of the vegetable. The British Potato Organization wants the Dictionary to replace the expression with the term “couch slouch”. Kathy Race, head of marketing at the Organization, said, “We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad for you. The potato has been criticized in the past.” The Dictionary says “couch potato” started as American, meaning “a person who spends a great deal of time watching television.”
One U.S. company said on August 10 that it wants to send two tourists on a trip around the moon at a cost of $500 million per ticket. Space Adventures Company, which has already sent two citizens on separate trips into space, says it has researched and identified more than a thousand customers, who are interested, with the necessary wealth for a moon shot as early as 2008. The trip around the moon would last between 8 and 21 days, depending on whether the travelers make a stop at the International Space Station.
To make an Olympic champion takes millions of young people around the world to be inspired to choose Olympic sport.
I’m delighted we have with us today representatives of the next generation. We’re serious about inspiring young people. And thanks to London’s multi-cultural mix of 200 nations, they also represent the youth of the world. Their families have com from every continent. They practice every religion and every faith. What unites them in London, their love of sport and their heartfelt dream of bringing the Olympic Games to our city.
Police are looking for robbers who stole valuable diamonds from the jewelry display at the City Center yesterday evening during the annual Gold Exhibition. The owner reported that a necklace estimated to be worth $1.5 million was taken by a young couple. A witness at the scene said that a couple in their early twenties caught her eye because they seemed too young to be interested in sun expensive jewelry. In her version of the story, the pair were dressed in clothing and hairstyles that seemed too casual for the rather formal atmosphere of the jewelry show.
If you’re not sure whether you want to say yes or no, then say you’ll give an answer later, and refuse to discuss it further. This gives you time to decide and to prepare yourself to say no if necessary. Use body language to give your words more authority: stand up straight, straighten your shoulders and look at the person. If you’re talking on the phone, stand up – it makes you feel and therefore sound more confident. If a request is reasonable but you don’t want to do it, then offer an alternative, for example, “I don’t have time on Saturday, but I could do it one night next week.”
People do get hurt in “adventure sports” and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hang-gliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So “exciting” isn’t always the same as “dangerous”. This is even more true when you consider the activities of everyday life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any kind.
1.Ask yourself weekly: What do I want to learn this week? 1.每周問問自己:這周我想學習什么? Asking yourself this question every week will help you stop and think for a moment about w...
一般現在時表示經常性或習慣性的動作,或表示現在的特征或狀態。其動詞形式是:動詞原形(只有第三人稱單數作主語時除外,要加-s)其疑問句和否定句需要用助動詞do或does 。
美文欣賞:林肯在葛底斯堡的演說 (雙語有聲)
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