Are you ready for a new boss?你準備好換老板了嗎?
Your happiness and success in your job has a lot to do with the relationship that you have with your boss. 你在工作中的快樂和成功跟你與老板的關系有很大關聯。
You might spend a long time building this relationship, but people move on, and one day, they might leave. 你可能花了很長時間建立你與老板的關系,但人總是向前看的,總有一天,他們會離開。
You find yourself reporting to someone new, and you want to establish their trust and respect, quickly.你有天突然發現自己要向新上司匯報工作,并希望快速獲取他們的信任和尊重。
The first step you should take is to build in some “networking” time with your boss–whether it’s coffee, or scheduling some time in a calendar for focused discussion. 第一步是安排你與老板的“交際”時間,無論是咖啡時間,還是在日程中計劃一段時間集中交流。
This way, you can start to learn their goals, working styles and any new ideas they might have, and work to amend your priorities where appropriate. 這么一來,你就可以了解他們的目標,工作方式以及任何新想法,并適當調整你在工作上的優先級。
Be proactive in terms of identifying where they might need help–that’s an easy way for you to secure some quick wins to help them shine, which builds goodwill quickly.積極主動地確定他們可能需要幫助的地方,這很簡單,你可以獲得一些快速的勝利來幫助他們發光發亮,從而迅速建立起良好的聲譽。