Remembering why we are doing something記住我們為什么做某事
Sometimes I forget why I’m doing, what I’m doing. 有時候我忘了為什么我在做,我在做什么。
Have you ever done that? 你曾有過這種經歷嗎?
I’m not just talking about a memory problem, although that’s possible too. 我并不僅僅是在談論記憶問題,雖然那也是有可能的。
I have called someone because I want to tell them something. 我曾經打電話給某人,因為我想告訴他們什么。
And then, after just choosing the place for a while, not talking about anything particular. 然后,在選擇合適的地方后,還沒有談論什么特別的東西的時候。
Well, I forget why I called that person in the first place. 哦,我忘記了自己為什么要首先給那人打電話。
That’s a memory problem. 這是一個記憶問題。
I guess that counts too. 我想那很重要。
But I’m talking about a deeper problem, a bigger, why? 但我在談論一個更深層次的問題,而且更為重要,那就是為什么?
At one point, there was a reason we do something. 在某一個時期, 我們做某事會有一個理由。
For long-term projects, we need to remind ourselves of that reason. 對于長期項目,我們需要提醒自己原因。
It’s always could to ask ourselves why. 總是可以問問自己為什么。
Why did I start to learn a language? 為什么我開始學習一種語言?
Why did I join this club? 為什么我加入這個俱樂部?
Why my friend was this person? 為什么我的朋友是這個人?
Why did I get married? 為什么我要結婚?
If we get lost in the doing, in the living, in the everyday of being, then we can lose sight of the "why". 如果我們迷失在做什么,在生命中,在每天的存在,那么我們不能說為什么。
I think we need indeed remind us of why. 我想我們需要確實提醒自己為什么。
Or else it’s tough to finish what we started. 否則很難完成我們所開始的。
We stop starting. We quit the club. 我們停止開始。我們退出俱樂部。
We end our friendships. Our marriages get damaged. 我們結束我們的友誼。我們的婚姻出現裂痕。
There’s nothing wrong with asking why. 問為什么沒什么問題。
In fact, sometimes I think it can be very healthy and help we appreciate what you have and what you are doing. 事實上,我認為有時候它會很健康的幫助我們珍惜所擁有的及正在做的事情。
Talk about it. 談論下面的話題:
Is there something you are doing but you’ve forgotten why you starting it? 你有過正在做某事但是你忘了為什么開始的經歷嗎?
Is it a kind of distant memory? 它是一種遙遠的記憶?
Did you ever forget why you are doing something... 你曾經忘記你為什么做某事……
How do you remind yourself why you are doing something? 你如何提醒自己為什么會做某事嗎?
Do you write memos? 你寫備忘錄嗎?
Does your mind ever go blank and yourself suddenly forget what you are doing? 你有過頭腦空空而自己突然忘記你正在做什么的經歷嗎?
Do you ever space out and not pay attention to what’s going on?你是否會因走神而忽略正在發生的事情?
What are some other methods for you to prevent yourself from forgetting? 還有其他的方法來防止你忘記嗎?
What do you do when you see someone that you know, but have forgotten his name? 你看到認識的某人,卻忘記了名字,這種情況下你會怎么辦?