Adopting the right attitude can change a negative stress into a positive one.采取正確的態度能夠把負面的壓力轉為積極的動力。
I have a friend, Michelle, who is training two people to do a job.我有一個名叫Michelle的朋友,她正在對兩個干同一份差事的職員進行培訓。
Now, this can be a stressful situation for all concerned.對這件事的三個當事人來說,這都是一個容易引起焦慮的狀況。
It’s stressful for people trying to learn something new.接受培訓的人由于必須學習新知識而焦慮。
But it’s also stressful for the person answering questions over and over too.而進行培訓的人也會因為重復回答相同的問題而感到焦慮。
Michelle thought back to when she was being trained.Michelle回想起她自己接受培訓的時候。
The person training made the process more stressful by her negative attitude. 由于培訓人的消極態度而使得整件事情愈發讓人難以忍受了。
It was hard to learn and remember when she was under this negative stress.在這種消極氛圍之下,她很難學習和記憶新知識。
So now Michelle is being positive with her training.所以現在,作為培訓人,Michelle要用積極的態度進行她的培訓。
She’s keeping a positive attitude as she trains these new employees.在培訓這些新職員的時候,她一直保持著積極的態度。
Yes, there is still stress learning something new and training, but it’s positive. 沒錯,對于雙方來說,他們在學習新知識和教授課程時仍會感到壓力,但壓力已經轉化為了積極的動力。
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.以真心愛彼此,因尊重彼此而獲得喜悅。
When we love others and honor them we can adopt the right attitude and we can change a negative stress into a positive one.當我們關愛他人,尊重他人,我們就能端正自己的心態,把消極的壓力轉為積極的動力。