絲綢之路 (the Silk Road) 是中國古代的一條商業貿易路線 (trade route)。絲綢之路以古代中國的政治、經濟、文化中心——古都長安為起點,一直延伸至中亞、北非和歐洲。它最初的作用是出口中國生產的絲綢。隨著時間的推移,絲綢之路逐漸變成了一條連接東西方的主要道路,促進了東西方的經濟文化交流。后來,有學者把所有溝通中西方的商路統稱為絲綢之路。
The Silk Road is a trade route in ancient China. It started from the ancient capital Chang’an that was the center of politics, economy and culture in ancient China, and stretched all the way to central Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Its original function was to export the silk produced in China. As time went by, the Silk Road gradually became the main road connecting the East and the West, promoting the economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties. Later, some experts refer to all the trade routes between China and the West “theSilkRoad”.