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首頁 教育 有趣只有interesting?那可不止...


時間:2024-07-16 21:06:53 來源:網絡 作者:mrcsb 人氣:382
【導讀】:If you want to talk about something you really enjoy, would you use “fun”? While saying that your friend’s birthday party was fun is descriptive enough, it d...

If you want to talk about something you really enjoy, would you use “fun”? While saying that your friend’s birthday party was fun is descriptive enough, it does not explain the extent of the fun or what exactly you feel about it.如果你想談論一些你真正喜歡的事情,你會用“有趣”這個詞嗎?雖然說你朋友的生日派對很有趣已經足夠說明問題了,但它并不能解釋這種樂趣的程度,也不能解釋你對它的具體感受。

There are far better words to use to talk about something that you would not mind doing again, depending on the more complex feelings you might have for it!有更好的詞匯可以用來談論一些你不介意再做的事情,這取決于你對它可能有更復雜的感覺!

synonyms for fun有趣的同義詞

Fun as an adjectivefun作為形容詞

Most of the time, you would be using fun as an adjective. (This party is so much fun!) While this is a more informal way of communication, it is also the most colloquial and common. Some words that you can use to express your ideas in a more specific way are:大多數時候,你會把fun當作形容詞。(這個聚會真有趣!)雖然這是一種更非正式的溝通方式,但也是最口語化和常見的。你可以用一些詞來更具體地表達你的想法:


If something is enjoyable, that means that you have a good time with it. This can either be a place, thing, or even a person. If a friend is enjoyable, for example, it means that they allow you to enjoy yourself when you are with them. They make you feel good and happy, and you like being with them.如果某事是令人愉快的,那就意味著你和它相處得很愉快。這可以是一個地方,一個東西,甚至一個人。例如,如果一個朋友是令人愉快的,那就意味著當你和他在一起的時候,他能讓你享受自己。他們讓你感覺良好和快樂,你喜歡和他們在一起。

This was one of the most enjoyable dates I have ever been on.這是我參加過的最愉快的約會之一。

I thought this theme park would be enjoyable, but it turned out to be a complete waste of time and money.我覺得這個主題公園會很好玩,但結果卻完全浪費了時間和金錢。


To be amused means to feel happy or interested in something. Usually, that thing is a bit surprising, but it allows you to laugh to yourself and go along with it. For example, a child who sprays whipped cream onto their face might be amusing if you think it is funny.被逗樂意味著對某事感到高興或感興趣。通常,這件事有點讓人吃驚,但它能讓你自己開懷大笑,并隨波逐流。例如,一個孩子在臉上噴上鮮奶油,如果你覺得很有趣的話,可能會很有趣。

However, if they spray the whipped cream onto your face, that would only be amusing to other people.然而,如果他們把鮮奶油噴到你臉上,那只會讓其他人覺得好笑。

When Parker messes up his presentations, he always finds a way to be amusing still.當帕克把他的演講搞砸時,他總是能找到一種有趣的方式。

The way that penguins waddle on the ice when they walk is very amusing!企鵝走路時在冰上蹣跚而行的樣子很有趣!


Something that is pleasurable gives you pleasure when you do it. This is subjective, meaning that you can think of something in that way but others may disagree with you.當你這么做的時候,一些令人愉快的事情給你帶來樂趣。這是主觀的,意思是你可以用那種方式思考一些事情,但是其他人可能不同意你的觀點。

A sign of clinical depression is that you no longer have the motivation to do things that you previously thought were pleasurable.臨床抑郁癥的一個征兆是,你不再有動機去做以前認為是令人愉快的事情。

If you go into an experience with an open mind, you just might find that it turns out to be much more pleasurable than you expected.如果你以開放的心態去體驗,你可能會發現它比你預期的要快樂得多。


Something that is pleasing makes you happy. You are likely to smile lightly to yourself (but probably will not shout for joy).令人愉快的事情會讓你快樂。你很可能會對自己微笑(但可能不會高興地大叫)。

The shade of blue painted on the walls is definitely a pleasing color.墻上涂的藍色絕對是一種討人喜歡的顏色。

The violin student gave a performance pleasing to the ears of all of her audience.小提琴學生表演得很好,聽眾都聽得見。


In general, something interesting is something that sparks your interest. The thing to note is that it does not always mean this when used in conversation. Native speakers can sometimes use interesting to substitute for when they do not know how to react to something. If they hear an idea that they have never thought of before, their response may be “interesting”, but the topic may actually be boring to them after a while.總的來說,一些有趣的東西會激發你的興趣。值得注意的是,在談話中使用它并不總是意味著這一點。說母語的人有時會用有趣的詞語來代替他們不知道如何對某事作出反應。如果他們聽到一個他們以前從未想過的想法,他們的回答可能是“有趣的”,但這個話題可能在一段時間后對他們來說真的很無聊。

When I first heard the motivational speaker, I thought his message was interesting but not applicable for most of the audience.當我第一次聽到這個激勵演講者時,我認為他的話很有意思,但對大多數聽眾來說并不適用。

There are several branches of psychology that I find interesting but I would never want to pursue them for my career.心理學有幾個分支,我覺得有趣,但我永遠不想追求他們為我的職業生涯。


Something entertaining provides amusement and /or enjoyment.娛樂性的東西提供娛樂和/或享受。

The movie will not resonate with many people, but there are a few fans that find it incredibly entertaining.這部電影不會引起很多人的共鳴,但也有一些粉絲覺得它非常有趣。


A person, show, or event that is humorous is funny. It will cause you to laugh for one reason or another.幽默的人、節目或事件是有趣的。它會讓你因為某種原因笑。

Sarah is a humorous person in general, but advising her to become a comedian is not really a good suggestion for her.莎拉是一個幽默的人,但建議她成為喜劇演員對她來說并不是一個好的建議。

I prefer humorous to serious movies.比起嚴肅的電影,我更喜歡幽默。


Something that is comical is related to comics. This can mean that there is a classical relationship – since comics are supposed to be quite funny – or that it looks like a comic.滑稽的東西與漫畫有關。這可能意味著有一種古典的關系——因為漫畫應該很有趣——或者它看起來像漫畫。

The teacher’s comical teaching style immediately made her a favorite amongst the children.老師滑稽的教學風格立刻使她成為孩子們的最愛。

The movie tried to address difficult topics in a comical way, but I think they should have just stuck with a more serious tone.這部電影試圖用滑稽的方式來處理棘手的話題,但我認為他們應該用更嚴肅的語氣。


If someone or something is facetious, it means that they are inappropriately funny. When there is a serious issue at hand, someone who is uncomfortable with dealing with problems might use humor. In this case, people who are actually trying to solve the problem may get mad. The reason is that the humor is inappropriate, especially when someone is trying to address an actual issue.如果某人或某事是開玩笑的,這意味著他們是不適當的滑稽。當手頭有嚴重的問題時,不喜歡處理問題的人可能會使用幽默。在這種情況下,真正試圖解決問題的人可能會發瘋。原因是幽默是不恰當的,特別是當有人試圖解決一個實際的問題。

Even though the good times were great, Ben’s facetious reactions to any conversation having to deal with money was a contributor to the demise of our relationship.盡管美好的時光是偉大的,但本對任何與金錢有關的談話的滑稽反應都是導致我們關系破裂的原因。

Teachers hate having to deal with facetious students.老師不喜歡和愛開玩笑的學生打交道。


Something or someone that is delightful is something that delights you. In other words, it surprises you in a good way and leaves you smiling and happy.令人愉快的事物或某人是使你高興的事物。換句話說,它會讓你驚喜,讓你微笑和快樂。

I had an absolutely delightful time with you at afternoon tea today!今天下午我和你在一起度過了一段愉快的時光!

I was unsure about having to babysit my nephew but his smile was simply delightful.我不確定是否要照看我的侄子,但他的笑容實在令人愉快。

Fun as a nounFun作為名詞

For the other usage, fun can be used as a noun. (If teachers can help you have more fun in school, you are more likely to pay attention in class.)對于另一種用法,fun可以用作名詞。(如果老師能幫助你在學校獲得更多樂趣,你就更有可能在課堂上引起注意。)


Pleasure is something that makes you happy, or pleases you.快樂是讓你快樂,或者讓你滿意的東西。

It was a pleasure to work with my friend’s company, which was good because I was worried about mixing business and friendships.很高興能和我朋友的公司一起工作,這很好,因為我很擔心把生意和友誼混為一談。

If you are too concerned about your pleasure today to think about tomorrow, you will start to have big problems.如果你太在意今天的快樂而不考慮明天,你就會開始有大問題。


Entertainment is usually referring to something that makes you happy. If it entertains you, it means that something allows you to really enjoy it. Typically, entertainment refers to things like games and movies or TV. Sometimes, it also includes shows or different other ways to pass the time.娛樂通常是指讓你快樂的事情。如果它讓你開心,那意味著有些東西能讓你真正享受它。通常,娛樂是指像游戲、電影或電視之類的東西。有時,它還包括節目或其他不同的方式來傳遞時間。

The entertainment that the best man lined up for the bachelor party was a huge success.伴郎排隊參加單身派對的娛樂活動取得了巨大的成功。

Movies are a big part of the entertainment industry.電影是娛樂業的重要組成部分。


When you enjoy something, that thing becomes your enjoyment.當你喜歡某件事時,那件事就成了你的享受。

Harry does not want to interrupt the enjoyment of your spa treatment, but he is holding a phone call for you at the front desk.哈里不想打擾你享受水療,但他正在前臺為你打電話。

There are many different enjoyment trends throughout the decades.幾十年來,有許多不同的享受趨勢。


Amusement is the feeling that you have when something is interesting and makes you chuckle to yourself, but does not make you laugh until you fall out of your chair. Instead, it is a feel of pleasant surprise.娛樂是當一些有趣的事情讓你自言自語,但直到你從椅子上摔下來才讓你發笑的感覺。相反,這是一種驚喜的感覺。

The amusement that the scene was causing could be seen in all the spectators’ eyes.這一幕所引起的歡樂,在所有觀眾的眼里都看得出來。

Rachel could not hide her amusement behind her glass of soda.雷切爾在一杯蘇打水后面,無法掩飾她的樂趣。


When you feel excitement, you are looking forward to something. You are anticipating its arrival very energetically and want it to happen sooner rather than later.當你感到興奮時,你是在期待什么。你非常積極地期待著它的到來,希望它早日實現。

The excitement of the crowd as they waited for the movie premiere was palpable.觀眾等待電影首映時的興奮是顯而易見的。

No one could match the excitement of a young child on Christmas Day, bounding towards the Christmas tree in search of his or her present!在圣誕節,沒有人能比得上小孩子的興奮,蹦蹦跳跳地走向圣誕樹,尋找他或她的禮物!


Gratification is the relief and satisfaction that someone feels when something goes well. It is especially the case when you have been wanting something for a while.滿足是當事情進展順利時,某人感到的解脫和滿足。尤其是當你有一段時間想要什么的時候。

The age of social media has made it very easy to gain instant gratification, making it hard for people to think for the long term.社交媒體的時代使得人們很容易獲得即時的滿足感,使人們很難長期思考。

Even if it has the same result, you will experience far more gratification if you work hard and wait for something than if someone just gives it to you right away.即使有同樣的結果,如果你努力工作并等待某件事,你會體會到更多的滿足感。


Merriment is actually a more formal way to say cheerfulness, or a positive attitude. If you go through life with merriment, you are carefree and are able to enjoy yourself.快樂實際上是一種更正式的表達快樂的方式,或者說是一種積極的態度。如果你過著快樂的生活,你是無憂無慮的,能夠享受自己。

The point of the toy is to bring the children merriment, not to make them stressed out about learning to fix it.玩具的關鍵是讓孩子們開心,而不是讓他們在學習如何解決問題上感到緊張。

The best movies are ones that show the actors in a clear moment of merriment.最好的電影是能讓演員們在一個清晰的歡樂時刻看到他們。


When you have leisure, it means that you are enjoying time off. Usually this is the contrast to work, but it can also describe a pace that is slower so as to contrast with high stress situations.當你有閑暇時,這意味著你享受著休息時間。通常這是工作的對比,但它也可以描述一個速度較慢,以便與高壓力的情況形成對比。

People in the olden days thought that, as we introduce machines to do certain types of work, people would have more leisure time and spend more time with family.舊社會的人們認為,當我們引入機器去做某些類型的工作時,人們會有更多的閑暇時間,花更多的時間和家人在一起。

It is more important to Dan to have leisure than to make more money.對丹來說,閑暇比賺錢更重要。


While refreshments can refer to snacks that you have after an exercise or at an event, experiencing refreshment means to feel like you are being reenergized and can start working hard again.點心可以指運動后或活動中吃的零食,而體驗點心則意味著你感覺自己正在重新獲得能量,可以重新開始努力工作。

Sitting in a hot tub can provide a huge sense of refreshment after a long day.坐在熱浴缸里可以在漫長的一天之后提供一種巨大的爽快感。

Sometimes you just need a moment of refreshment to continue your day.有時候,你只需要一點點心來繼續你的一天。


Cheerfulness is the happy feeling or attitude that someone brings to something. If you feel cheerful, it means that you have a reason to be happy.快樂是一個人給某事帶來的快樂的感覺或態度。如果你感到快樂,那意味著你有理由快樂。

Amanda’s cheerfulness made everyone around her much happier.阿曼達的快樂使她周圍的人都快樂得多。

In order to increase their employee cheerfulness, the company started to allow people to take 2 hour lunch breaks so they could work out or take a nap in the middle of the day.為了增加員工的快樂度,公司開始允許人們2小時的午休時間,這樣他們就可以在中午鍛煉或午睡。






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