281. bury one’ head in the sand 鴕鳥心態;不正視現實
282. You only live once. 人生只有一次
283. Home is where the heart is. 家總是讓人思念的地方
284. Has the cat got your tongue? (貓把你舌頭叼走啦?)為什么不說話?
285. When the cat’s away. the mice will play. 閻王不在,小鬼跳梁
286. Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑暗中總有一絲曙光;否極泰來
287. for the record 正式地或明確地說;鄭重聲明
288. Good things come to him/ her who waits. 好酒沉甕底
289. Where there’s a will. there’s a way. 有志者,事竟成
290. sit like a bump on a log 坐著跟大木頭一般
291. That’s the pot calling the kettle black. 烏鴉罵豬黑
292. bang/beat one’s head against a brick wall 做徒勞無功的事
293. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日食一蘋果,醫生遠離我
294. To err is human, to forgive divine. 犯錯是人之常情,原諒是超凡入圣
295. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.如意算盤別打得太早
296. live and learn 活到老,學到老