1. blind date
2. matchmaking 3. arranged date 4. marriage interview 5. pay a call to the girl’s parents 6. to size up a prospective mate
7. set me up with someone
8.nearsighted date
比較常見的一種說法是blind date,我們來看這句話:
A blind date is a date where the people involved have not met each other previously. The match could have been arranged by mutualfriends, relatives or by a dating system.
這樣的“相親”叫做nearsighted date,也就是“近視相親”。我們來看這句話:
As opposed to a blind date, where you have no idea what the other person looks like, a nearsighted date is one where you’ve seen a photo or chatted via web before meeting in person.
這聽上去似乎比“blind date”要可靠很多,不過有時(shí)候照片也不能代表一切,比如這種尷尬的情況:
The picture he emailed me must have been from before he quit the gym. 我昨天晚上去相親了,他郵件給我的照片肯定是他還在鍛煉身體的時(shí)候拍的。