Anne: Hey, Den, what’s up?
Den: I’ve been busy lately.
Anne: Doing what?
Den: I’ve been spending a lot of time on-line.
Anne: On-line?
Den: On the Internet, talking to people in chat rooms.
Anne: So have you met someone yet?
Den: Lots of people! Yesterday over one hundred people wanted to talk to me!
Anne: About what?
Den: About anything and everything.
Anne: Really?
Den: One even said that I was his dream girlfriend.
Anne: What? Wait a minute. Don’t you mean dream boyfriend?
Den: Oh, I forgot to tell you I pretendedto be a 16-year-old girl.
Anne: Are you nuts?
Den: I had to. Nobody wants to talk to me as a guy.
Anne: I don’t know about this, Den.
Den: But now I have a new Internet friend.
Anne: You mean the guy who thinks you’re Ms. Right?
Den: Yeah, we’re meeting on Friday night.
Anne: You are what? Have you lost it?
Den: I gave up on looking for a girlfriend and now I’m making friends!
Anne: But he thinks you’re a girl. He’ll want to be more than friends!
Den: I know, so I need your advice.
Anne: If I were you, I’d get a good psychiatrist.
1. 對話中Den在網上聊天的時候假裝成一個16歲的女孩子, 并且還要和新認識的網友約會。他在聊天室里跟很多人聊天,Anne問他都聊些什么,Den說About anything and everything. 就是無所不談。
2. 注意兩個人見面打招呼時Anne說what’s up? 最近如何? 在口語當中很常用。
3. Den說最近一直很忙, I’ve been busy lately. Anne又問到Doing what? 這里就包含了一個詞組, be busy doing something, 忙于做某事。例如:I was busy doing my laundrywhen he called last night. 他昨晚給我打電話的時候,我正忙著洗衣服呢。be busy with something or someone,忙于做某事,忙于應付某人。例如:I’m busy with my papers. 我忙著寫論文。She’s busy with the client. 她忙著接待客戶。
4. Den回答I’ve been spending a lot of time on-line. 這里用了現在完成進行時態,表示從過去到現在一直在做某事。例如:She has been writing to me since last year. 從去年開始,她就一直在給我寫信。
5. 當Anne知道Den在網上裝成一個16歲的女孩子的時候,很驚訝,問Are you nuts? 你瘋了?nut是干果的意思,做“發瘋”解釋是一種俚語用法。
6. Den說I had to. Nobody wants to talk to me as a guy. 我必須這樣,因為如果知道我是男的就沒有人愿意跟我聊天了。Anne卻不同意,說I don’t know about this, Den. I don’t know about this. 表示“我不怎么同意這件事”。當你無法同意別人所說的話,又不想跟他爭吵時,就可以用這句話結束討論,改變話題。
7. Ms. Right和Mr. Right都是表示理想的伴侶, 也就是公主或白馬王子。上面的dream girlfriend和dream boyfriend表示夢中情人。
8. give up on doing something放棄做某事,對話中原句是I gave up on looking for a girlfriend and now I’m making friends! 我不想找女朋友了,我只要交朋友。make friends with someone這個短語是“和某人交朋友”的意思。
9. 當Anne知道Den周五要跟一個男網友見面時,更驚訝了,Have you lost it? 你瘋了?跟上面的Are you nuts?是一樣的。
10. 最后Den想問問Anne對此事有什么建議,Anne的回答是If I were you, I’d get a good psychiatrist. 如果我是你,我就要去找一個好的心理醫生看看了。If I were you, I would...是個虛擬語氣句式,表示“如果我是你,我就會……”。給別人建議時,若要強調自己和對方是站在同一戰線的,就可以使用這個句式。