Talking about languages 談論語言
166. Do you speak English? 你會說英語嗎?
167. Yes, but just a little. 是的,但只會一點點。
168. Does Lucy speak French? 露西會說法語嗎?
169. Yes, she speaks French perfectly. 是的,她法語講得很流利。
170. What is your native language? 你的本族語是什么?
171. Mr. Johnson’s native language is English. 約翰遜先生的本國語是英語。
172. How many languages do you speak? 你能說多少種語言?
173. My teacher can speak five languages. 我的老師能說五種語言。
174. How well do you know Russia? 你的俄語程度如何?
175. She speaks Italian with a French accent. 她講意大利語帶有法國口音。
176. My sister speaks Cantonese very fluently. 我姐姐廣州話說得很流利。
177. Miss Williams can read and write French very well. 威廉斯小姐能夠很自如地用法語看書和寫東西。
178. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 我講英語時有時會說錯。
179. I have a lot of difficulties with spelling. 我在拼寫上有很多困難。
180. How is his accent in Chinese? 她說漢語的口音怎么樣?