口語情景對話:走遍美國精選:大功告成 ACT 2 - 3
Carlson: You’ve got a good eye, Richard. You’re a terrific photographer. But before I can publish your work, I need to meet with my marketing department. And you’ve got to do one more thing.
Richard: What’s that, Mr. Carlson?
Carlson: In the section on culture, you’ve included performing arts centers, but you’ve left out street performance. The mimes. The musicians. The dancers -- in the parks and on the streets. Richard, if you go out and photograph street performances in the city, you’ll have it.
Richard: That is a great idea. The performing arts centers and the street performances. I’ll do it.
Carlson: If you do it. I’ll publish your work.
Richard: Are you serious?
Carlson: I’ve never been more serious. When do you think you can return with street performances?
Richard: A couple of weeks.
Carlson: If they’re as good as the rest of these pictures, it’s a deal.
Richard: You won’t be disappointed, Mr. Carlson. Thanks.
Carlson: Good-bye, Richard, and good luck. See you in two weeks.
Richard: Good-bye, Mr. Carlson. Thanks. So if you like the street-performance photos, you’ll really publish Family Album, U.S.A.?
Carlson: When I say something, I mean it. Go to work. Good-bye.
Richard: Good-bye.
1. You’ve got a good eye, Richard. You’re a terrific photographer.
have got: 等同于have。
eye: 單數的eye指眼光,以眼睛進行辨別取舍的能力等,而不是指具體的眼睛視力。類似的用法又如,
My daughter has a good ear for music.(這里的ear指用耳朵、憑聽力鑒賞音樂的能力。)
A detective must have a good nose for criminals.(這里的nose指偵察追尋的能力。)
2. In the section on culture, you’ve included performing arts centers, but you’ve left out street performance.
leave out: 漏掉了。
street performance: 街頭表演。這在美國是一種很受歡迎的藝術形式。在美國的大城小鎮都可見到業余的音樂工作者、舞蹈者、啞劇表演者。表演者常放一頂帽子或一個打開的樂器盒,供聽眾或觀眾放錢入內。一般觀眾對這些表演者常會給予相當的鼓勵。表演終了時,通常會報以熱烈的掌聲,捐錢的也不乏其人。
3. Richard, if you go out and photograph street performances in the city, you’ll have it.
if you go out and photograph…: 假如你去…… 。在由 if引導的條件狀語從句中,動詞用現在時來表示將來可能發生的事。photograph在這里用作動詞,指“為……拍照”。
4. Are you serious?
你是當真的嗎? serious: 這里指“當真的;不是開玩笑的”。
在這里這樣問,說明Richard自信力較差。在正式的業務商談中是不該這樣問的。Carlson先生回答了“I’ve never been more serious.”(我再也沒有比這更認真的了。)
但是隨后Richard又追問了一次。此時在Carlson先生的回答“When I say something, I mean it.“(我說話是算數的。)中多少有點不太高興的味道。
5. When do you think you can return with street performances?
When do you think you can…?: 這是商務會晤中的常用句型,用來詢明某項工作何時完成。
6. If they’re as good as the rest of these pictures, it’s a deal.
7. You won’t be disappointed.
8. See you in two weeks.