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首頁 教育 學美語:標準美國語第5冊1b


時間:2024-07-20 16:49:02 來源:網絡 作者:mrcsb 人氣:25065
【導讀】:Chapter 35 Admiration ;第三十五章 羨慕I have a special place in my heart for you. ;我很器重你。We think very highly of him. He speaks highly of you. ;我們都很看...

Chapter 35 Admiration ;第三十五章 羨慕

I have a special place in my heart for you. ;我很器重你。

We think very highly of him. He speaks highly of you. ;我們都很看重他。 他對你的評價很高。

I’m a big fan of yours. She respects my work. ;我使你忠實的擁戴者。 她看中我的工作。

She knows I don’t fool around. ;她知道我不打馬虎眼。

You’re my main man. My top guy. ;你是我最欣賞的人, 我的頂尖好手。

You’re really something. I take my hat off to you. ;你實在要得! 我向你致敬。

They respect my opinion. You’re really cool. ;他們重視我的意思。 你真沉得住氣。

He’s hip. He’s in. He’s a cool cat. ;他很時髦。 他跟得上潮流。 他像貓一樣沉著。

I’m in awe of his talents. You’re a rare breed. ;我對他的才華十分折服。 你很難得。

You’re one in a million. You’re exceptional. ;你是曠世奇才。 你與眾不同。

You’re outstanding. ;你出類拔萃。

If you want respect, you’ll have to earn it. ;要人家尊重你, 得先下苦功夫。

Chapter 36 Begging ;第三十六章 乞求

Just this once. Pretty ,pretty, please! ;求求你,幫幫忙!

Spare me! I’m in your hands. ;饒了我吧! 我的生命操在你手中。

I throw myself at your mercy. ;我求你發慈悲饒恕我。

Please be kind to me. ;請對我仁慈些。

Have a heart! ;發發慈悲吧!

Should I beg you on my knees? ;要我跪著求你才行嗎?

Don’t impose upon others. ;別強人所難。

Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. ;不要露出一副可憐兮兮, 祈求人同情的樣子。

Chapter 37 Requesting A Favor ;第三十七章 要求施惠

God helps those who help themselves. One hand washes the other. ;自助而后天助。 人總需要互相扶持。

I feel like a drowning victim. ;我覺得像會被溺死的人。

Don’t turn your back on me. ;別對我不理不睬。

C’mon,throw me lifeline. ;行行好,救我脫困。

I hope you can help me.I’m a total mess. ;希望你能幫我的忙, 我現在已六神無主。

Put in a good word for me. I have a big favor to ask. ;替我說幾句好話吧。 我想請你幫個大忙。

I won’t be long. ;我不會占用你太多時間。

We’ll see what we can do. ;我們會看看能幫的 上什么忙。

Because of you,I’ll grant his request. ;看在你的面上, 我會答應他的請求。

He’s granted it as a courtesy to me. ;他看我的面子, 答應了這件事。

I’ll see what I can do,but it’s going to cost you. ;我會看看能幫什么忙, 但這時要你花錢的,

For you everything, but what’s in it for me? ;你的好處一大堆, 但我的在哪里?

If it works. I’ll pay you back. ;如果事成, 我不會忘了你的好處。

I’ll cut you a break this time. ;這回我放你一馬。

I was just trying to be friendly. ;我只是想表示友善。

Chapter 38 Asking Help ;第三十八章 請求協助

I need all the help I can get. ;我需要有人來鼎力相助。

Do it for old time’s sake. ;看在從前交情的份 上幫個忙吧。

You owe me. You owe me big. ;你欠我這個人情。 你欠我一大筆人情債。

Somebody help me, please! ;你們誰快來幫我一下!

Would it be an imposition? ;會不會太麻煩你呢?

Give me a hand. ;幫我一把。

Don’t just stand there !Do something! ;別光站在那兒發愣, 快點兒想辦法!

Their moral support isn’t enough. ;他們的精神 支持無濟于事。

There’s no help in sight. ;沒看到半點兒援兵 前來的跡象。

She has no one to turn to. ;她呼救無門,

When I needed his help the most,he simply sat on his hands. ;我急需他援助時, 他卻坐視不顧。

I had my hands full! ;我那時候忙得不可開交!

Chapter 39 Diplomatic Refusals ;第三十九章 托詞拒絕

I’d like to help out,but I can’t. ;我很想幫忙, 但是做不來。

I wish I could help, but it’s out of my hands. ;希望我能幫得上忙, 但實在愛莫能助。

I have no control over this matter. ;這件事我無能為力。

Well,that’s the best I can do. ;我已竭盡所能了。

I’ll go only so far. ;我只能到此為止。

I know you would if only you could. ;我知道如果你辦得到的 話,一定肯幫忙。

Chapter 40 Refusing To Help ;第四十章 拒絕援助

Nice guys always get eaten alive. ;做好人總是被 生吞活剝的。

Never raise your hand to volunteer. ;千萬不要自告奮勇。

Don’t be too eager. ;不要過度熱心。

Every time I play Mister Nice Guy,I get burned. ;每次做好人總是我倒霉。

What is it you want from me? ;你到底要我做什么嘛?

A:Will you fill in for me today?I’m really busy. ;A:我今天很忙, 你能代我的班嗎?

B:Why should I? ;B:我何必呢?

A:Fine,see if I care! ;A:不肯就不肯, 有什么了不起!

No now! No time to stop and chat! ;現在不成。 沒時間停下來聊天!

Some other time. ;改天吧!

Can’t you see my hands are full? ;你看不出來我忙 得不可開交嗎?

You’re asking for the impossible. ;你在要求我做 不可能的事。

In short, I can’t help. ;長話短說。 我無法幫忙就是了。

I refuse to help. I won’t do it! ;我拒絕幫忙。 我絕不做!

A:Will you pay this debt of $1,000 for me? ;A:你肯為我還這1,000 美元的債嗎?

B:Not on your life! ;B:這輩子你都甭想!

Like hell I will! Don’t count on me. ;我才不要呢! 別依賴我!

Don’t expect anything from me. ;別期待我會給你什么。

That doesn’t concern me. ;這碼子事跟我沒關系。

You got yourself into this,not me. ;是你惹的麻煩,不是我。

See to it yourself. ;你自己去做吧。

That’s your family affair.I have no say in it. ;那是你的家務事, 我不便插嘴。

That’s your problem, partner. ;老兄,那是你的麻煩。

It’s your headache. ;那是你自個兒的頭痛。

A:I can’t do that. B:Why the hell not? ;A:我辦不到。 B:哪會辦不到呢?

Don’t brush me off like that. ;不要那樣敷衍我。

He give me a flat out no. He gave me the cold shoulder. ;他坦率的回絕了我。 他對我很冷淡。

Chapter 41 Being Supportive ;第四十一章 樂于支持

I’m with you all the way. We’re pulling for you. ;我會幫你到底。 我們會支持你。

We’re rooting for you. We watch out for each other. ;我們替你加油。 我們彼此照顧。

They stand by each other. ;他們并肩作戰。

She’s a tower of strength for her children . ;她是她子女們的靠山。

Chapter 42 A True Friend ;第四十二章 摯友

He’s a friend in need. ;他是值得信賴的好朋友。

He’s been the backbone of our family. ;他是我們家庭的支柱。

He always sticks up for the underdog. ;他總是替弱者打抱不平。

They bent over backwards to please customers. ;他們竭盡所能 地討好顧客。

Chapter 43 Offering to Help ;第四十三章 允予相助

Need a hand? ;需要幫你一把嗎?

A:May I? B:Please. ;A:可否容我為您效勞? B:請幫忙。

Allow me! ;讓我來!

Let me have the honor. ;讓我有這份榮幸 來為你效力。

I’m in this with you. ;這件事我會支持你。

If I need help,I promise I’ll holler loudly. ;如果需要幫忙的話, 我會向你開口。

If you need a shoulder to lean on,I’m here. ;如果你需要感情 上的支持,盡管找我。

Here’s my card.If I can be of any help, please call me. ;這時我的名片, 如果派得上用場, 請打電話來。

If you ever need me, I’m just a phone call away. ;如果任何時刻需要我, 你我之間只有一線電 話之隔。

Yell for me if you need help. ;如果你需要幫忙, 就叫我。

You think I can just stand by and watch? ;你以為我能袖手旁觀嗎?

I’m all the help you’re going to get. ;你會發現我是唯 一肯幫助你的人。

Does anybody forbid doing charity? ;有誰禁止人做好事嗎?

Chapter 44 Willing to Help ;第四十四章 樂意效勞






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