1. What is your favorite food or meal?
I love fish and chips. I used to run to the fish and chip shop to get food for the whole family. If it was a nice summer evening, I would sit and eat them outside. I suppose that they are not so healthy, but no one seems to mind that.
2. Do you like cooking?
I like cooking and can cook several dishes well. I can cook Italian and British food. They are not very difficult to make. I cannot cook Chinese food, but I’m taking a Chinese cookery class at the Guangzhou School of Culture.
3. Who usually cooks in your home?
I live alone, so I cook for myself. My kitchen is modern, so I can cook complicated dishes. I don’t cook every day. Sometimes, I go to a restaurant near my home, especially when I’m after school. There is a Korean restaurant. It is small, but the food is great.
4. Are there any kinds of food that you do not like?
I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any food that contains animal products. I just don’t like the taste of meat. I cook for myself, so I don’t worry about animal products getting into my food. However, I must be careful at restaurants.
5. Do you think that most people in your country eat healthily?
I think that Chinese food is healthier than Western food as you rarely see overweight Chinese people. Vegetables are not cooked for as long as in the West and therefore retain more of their proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. Fruit is eaten in bigger quantities and there are more varieties found.
6. Do older people and younger people prefer the same kinds of food?
At home they would eat the same food. But younger people like American fast food more than the older generation do and younger people are more likely to try other foreign food such as Italian Pizzas.
7. What kinds of food do you think will be more popular in the future?
I think that China will follow the food trends in other countries. Certainly more foreign food will become available in shops and there will be more foreign restaurants. It is likely that organic food will increase in popularity.