David:So tell me what do you know about job interviews?能告訴我你對求職面試了解多少呢?
You:For a job interview, there are several parts, the first one is knowing how to write a resume, the second is how to write a cover letter and the third is how to answer interview questions. 求職面試分好幾部分,首先要了解怎樣寫簡歷,其次是怎樣寫求職信,最后是怎樣回答面試問題。
David:What do you think is appropriate to do in an interview? What do you think you should wear? How should you prepare? 你認為在單獨面試中怎樣做比較得體?首先,你認為應該穿什么?或者說怎樣準備面試?
You:I think if I had the chance, I would wear a suit and tie (for women: “business suit”). What to wear is not the biggest issue, it is more important to answer the questions well. I think logical thinking is paramount. 如果是我,我會穿西裝打領帶。其實穿什么不是最重要的,回答好問題才更重要。我覺得邏輯性是很重要的。
David:Tell me about some examples of interview questions? 能給我舉個這樣的例子嗎?
David:What are your questions to these questions?那你怎么回答這些問題呢?
You:I would reply that I like Mckenzie’s consulting work, and believe it will be an interesting job. Secondly, the company has a leading position in the industry and employs many talented people. This will be a great learning opportunity for me. Thirdly, once I have graduated from McKenzie, perhaps I can have my own consulting firm. 我會這樣回答:首先,我喜歡麥肯錫的咨詢工作,而且相信它會很有趣;第二,貴公司在同行業(yè)中處于領先地位,有一大批極具天賦的雇員,這對我來說是個很好的學習機會;第三,當我離開麥肯錫的時候,我可能就有能力開自己的咨詢公司了。