老外聽到Chinglish會是一種怎樣的體驗?是不是跟咱聽老外說蹩腳中文一樣虐? 今天我們來聊聊中式思維和美式思維的差異。
然而,就近年情況目測:他們并沒被我們雷個外焦里嫩,反而感覺好極了~不僅Long time no see(好久不見)這樣的中式英語老外能聽懂;No zuo no die(不作死就不會死)、You can you up(你行你上)這種中式網絡流行語,也出現在美國在線俚語詞典Urban Dictionary中;甚至高大上的《牛津英語詞典》還收錄了Dama(大媽)、Tuhao(土豪)音譯特色詞匯。
難道今后說英語可以任由咱盡情創造,任性發揮了?當然…… 想得美!歪果仁已經在Quora上列舉了各種讓他們崩潰的中式英語,憋說你沒中槍!
網友James Ford:
Sentences that indicate the time something will occur are almost never correctly phrased by Chinese people. The most common statement is, "He will arrive after one hour". Again, I understand, but a native speaker would never say that.
中國小伙伴最愛在時間表達上出錯,最常見的是這種:He will arrive after one hour. 會說姐明白你的意思,但英語是母語的人不會這樣說。(該把after換成in。)
The other phrase I seem to hear often is, "You have a rest". While it’s not seriously incorrect is another repeated phrase I hear only in China (Americans would say "go get some rest").
另一個常能聽到的句子是You have a rest. 也只有在中國才聽過好幾次,細想想也不能算有錯。如果是讓人去歇歇,美國人一般會說:Go get some rest.
網友Ron TF Lum:
I took Chinese language courses in college so I know the reason for this is because the word used to refer to a person is unisex(不分性別), "ta" or 他. So for Chinese speakers, distinguishing he/she isn’t always an ingrained habit.
As you can imagine, things can get funny when a guy from China describes his date using English.
English: I have eaten.
Chinglish: I eat already.
English: I went there.
Chinglish: I go already.
English: I have met her.
Chinglish: I meet her already.
網友Gale Pedowitz:
The most common pattern I’ve noticed is the use of "until now" instead of "so far". This is an error I see from otherwise advanced non-native speakers who have (otherwise) mastered tense. For example, to express the concept "I have not seen it":
我見過最多的錯是“until now”和“so far”兩個不分。(可能是因為中文里都和“至今”有關的原因。)就連一些英語水平還不錯的人也常搞混,比如:
Common usage error: I have not seen it until now.
Correct intent: I have not seen it, so far.
The person meant to express "I have never seen it", but the incorrect use of "until now" means "I am seeing it now for the first time."
這兩種表達的區別就在于,本意是指從來都沒見過時用so far;如果用了until now則意思是以前沒見過,現在是第一次見。
剛來的時候看到很多大廈門口都有smoke free~ 我由衷感嘆加拿大就是好,抽煙都免費!朋友那個汗……(Smoke Free是禁止吸煙。)
有一天去KFC,要土豆泥不會說,就在那里跟人家苦喊potato sauce。然后,人給我了7、8袋ketchup(番茄醬)。被鄙視了~~(Mashed Potato,土豆泥……)
有次買車票,工作人員問我:"One way?" 我回答:"No, two way." 他又問了我幾遍,我的答案還是一樣的…… 結果那人很郁悶地看著我,后來才反應過來自己還在中文的思維中。我把他的意思理解為One way=一位? 我們是兩個人,所以two way=兩位……
有次房東問我:"Did you eat anything yet?" 我說:"No." 她聽后重復了一遍:"So you didn’t eat anything." 我說:"Yes..." 房東老太太猶豫了下,又問:"Did you eat?" 我說:"No." 她接著說:"So you didn’t eat." 我說:"Yes." ……估計她當時要崩潰了~
我剛來的時候鄰居小孩看見我跟我說What’s up。我疑惑地朝天上看了半天然后說了句up?那孩子頓時無語。
1. 這個價格對我挺合適的。
中式英語:The price is very suitable for me.
地道英語:The price is right.
2. 用英語怎么說?
中式英語:How to say?
地道英語:How do you say this in English?
3. 明天我有事情要做。
中式英語:I have something to do tomorrow.
地道英語:I am tied up all day tomorrow.
4. 我沒有英文名。
中式英語:I haven’t English name.
地道英語:I don’t have an English name.
5. 我想我不行。
中式英語:I think I can’t.
地道英語:I don’t think I can.
6. 我的舞也跳得不好。
中式英語:I don’t dance well too.
地道英語:I am not a very good dancer either.
7. 現在幾點鐘了?
中式英語:What time is it now?
地道英語:What time is it, please?
8. 你愿意參加我們的晚會嗎?
中式英語:Would you like to join our party on Friday?
地道英語:Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?
9. 我沒有經驗。
中式英語:I have no experience.
地道英語:I don’t know much about that.
作者簡介:高興輝— 18歲登上講臺,現任北京講師;教授學員上萬人,涵蓋四六級考研、出國考試及實用聽力口語;CCTV希望之星英語風采大賽全國16強,華北賽區冠軍;商務英語高級,專八優秀,雅思8(口語寫作滿分),托福110;北京語言大學高級翻譯學院碩士及研會主席;出演教師聯袂英語微劇《西緣記》女主韓梅梅,并創立首檔實景體驗式英語教學節目《無敵詞匯》,網絡瀏覽量過100萬;微信公眾號搜索:輝說英語;傳授學員考試技巧的同時,更幫助學員提升英語思辨和應用能力,睜眼看世界。