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Receptionist: May I help you?
May: Yes, I’d like to sign up for the summer program on driving, please.
Receptionist: Of course, Miss. Here’s our brochure.
May: How long is the program?
Receptionist: The program goes for forty days.
May: What if I need more time to learn?
Receptionist: In that case, you can extend your courses without additional charge. But most people accomplish all the tasks within 3 months. In fact, it takes some people only one month.
May: Do you offer both theory courses and practice courses?
Receptionist: Of course we do. For theory courses, you learn the laws and regulations, including how to deal with accidents on the road.
May: I see. Thanks. Can you tell me something about the instructors?
Receptionist: Our instructors are all professional drivers. They are very experienced and responsible.
May: Is there any discount for early bookings?
Receptionist: I’m afraid not, Miss. But if you attend our school, our trainer will escort you for additional ten hours when you drive first time.
May: Will they sit beside me or just drive after me?
Receptionist: They will sit in the same car with you, and help you at the wheel.
May: That’s wonderful. I will sign up summer class. Thanks.
接待員: 有什么可以幫忙的嗎?
阿美: 我想報一個暑假駕校班。
接待員: 好的,小姐。這是我們的宣傳單。
阿美: 這個項目會持續多久?
接待員: 大概40天。
阿美: 如果我需要更多的時間學習呢?
接待員: 那樣的話,你可以增加你的課時,不需要額外付費。但是大部分人在三個月內都可以學完所有課程。事實上,一些人只需要一個月。
阿美: 你們有理論課和實踐課嗎?
接待員: 當然有。在理論課上,學習交通法規,包括在路上如何處理交通事故。
阿美: 我知道了,謝謝。你能給我說說有關教練的情況嗎?
接待員: 我們的教練都是專業的司機。他們富有經驗和責任心。
阿美: 提前報名的話會有折扣嗎?
接待員: 恐怕沒有,小姐。但是如果在我們學校學習的話,當你第一次開車時,我們的教練可以給你提供10個小時的陪練。
阿美: 他們是坐在我身邊還是開車跟在我后面?
接待員: 他們會坐在你旁邊,手把手教你。
阿美: 太好了。我報暑期班,謝謝。
經典背誦 Recitation
Receptionist: Hello, I work at a driving school. This summer many people come here to sign up for the summer driving program. I’m very happy to answer all of their questions. For the summer program, there is no discount for early bookings, but we often ten free hours for learners.
sign up 報名
brochure n. 小冊子
extend vt. 延長
accomplish vt. 完成
instructor n. 指導老師
escort vt. 護送
at the wheel 在駕駛(汽車等),相當于behind the wheel.
Material 語素
Job Training School in the U.S.
Many job training school in the U.S. offer programs for various occupations, for example, architecture and engineering, art and fashion, community and social service, farming and forestry, computer and mathematics, ect. They can help people to obtain gainful employment, earn a livable wage and achieve self-sufficiency.
Language Training
Understanding other cultures and languages is a vital skill that enables individuals to take part in the worldwide community. Language training center is therefore dedicated to providing ways for diverse people to communicate through language training which is also a cross-cultural training. It’s for sure that its benefits and importance towards business will be known in the near future.