詹妮弗· 安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston) 接受英國版《時尚芭莎》(Harper’s Bazaar)雜志采訪時解釋她為什么不打肉毒桿菌:“我也許應該打肉毒桿菌,我是說這些皺紋每天越來越深,但當我向你講述我的經歷時——這些皺紋就是我的生活。”
Just look at the features in men’s magazines. They’re often much meatier than the fare you find in women’s magazines. What does that tell you? That guys aren’t afraid to spend an hour reading a great piece of writing.
美國男士雜志《細節》(Details)的副總編克里斯·雷蒙(Chis Raymond)談為什么男士雜志的內容比女士雜志更充實。“只要看看男士雜志封面上的特色內容簡介,你就會發現它們的內容比你在女士雜志中看到的內容更耐人尋味。這說明什么呢?這說明男人愿意花一個小時的時間去閱讀一篇好文章。”
I remember when I started doing my hair myself – I cut bangs, and I started curling my hair and pressing it, literally, with an iron. The girls from Destiny’s Child, we would put our hair on the ironing board, and iron it, which is so crazy!