Music and literature 音樂與文學
886. We’ll go to a concert tomorrow evening to hear the symphony orchestra. 明天晚上我們去參加音樂會,聽交響樂隊的演奏。
887. Have you ever thought about becoming a professional pianist? 你曾想過要成為一個職業鋼琴家嗎?
888. Who would you name as the greatest musician of our times? 你認為當代最偉大的音樂家是誰?
889. What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade? 你最喜歡聽哪種音樂?你喜歡聽小夜曲嗎?
890. He’s a composer of serious music. I like his music a lot. 他是個莊嚴音樂的作曲家,我非常喜歡他創作的曲子。
891. My sister took lessons on the flute for nearly five years. 我妹妹學吹長笛已將近5年了。
892. I’ve never heard that piece before. Who wrote it? 我以前從來沒有聽過那個曲子,它是誰譜寫的?
893. You play the guitar beautifully. How much do you practice every day? 你的吉他彈得很好,你每天練多長時間?
894. This poem is realistic. I don’t care for it very much. 這首詩是寫實的,我不太喜歡。
895. Who is the author of Romeo and Juliet? 誰是《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的作者?
896. Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive. 許多大作家在世時,他們的作品往往得不到人們的充分贊賞。
897. It is the most stirring story I’ve ever read. 這是我讀過的所有故事中最激動人心的一篇。
898. This writer used vivid descriptions in his writings. 這位作家在他的作品中采用了生動的描繪手法。
899. This is a novel about frontier life in the United States. 這是一部描寫美國邊界居民生活的小說。
900. How much do you know about romanticism? 關于浪漫主義,你知道多少?