Yunbo: Christopher, what an excellent game! You’re a terrific hockey player.
云波:克里斯托弗, 這場冰球打得真精彩,你的球藝真棒。
Glen: Yes, son. Congratulations. You played very well. And you won. Mom will be very proud.
Christopher: Thanks, Dad.
Dashan: Christopher, thanks again for inviting us. I’ve really enjoyed myself.
大山:克里斯托弗,再次感謝你邀請我們觀看比賽。 我看得真開心。
Christopher: The game was cool. And Jeanette was super, wasn’t she? She made a lot of great saves.
Glen: Yes, Jeanette’s a good goalie. Will she be at your hockey camp this summer?
格倫:對,珍妮特是個守門高手。 今年的冰球夏令營她去嗎?
Christopher: No, she won’t. She’ll be in Alberta with her grandparents.
克里斯托弗:不,她不去。 她要去阿爾伯達省,到她的爺爺奶奶家度假。
Yunbo: Here let me give you a hand with your bags.
Christopher: Thanks.
Glen: Christopher and I always go for hamburgers and fries after the game. We’re crazy about fast food. Why don’t you and Yunbo join us?
格倫:比賽結束后克里斯托弗和我總是去吃漢堡包和炸薯條。 我們特別喜歡吃快餐。 你和云波跟我們一起去吧?
Dashan: That sounds great, but we don’t have enough time to go out for lunch. We have to catch a flight later this afternoon.
大山:聽起來主意不錯,可是我們沒有足夠的時間去吃午飯了。 今天下午我們還要去趕飛機呢。
Christopher: You’re leaving this afternoon?
Dashan: Yes, at 3:30. So, we’d better get back to the hotel.
Glen: That’s too bad. Well, maybe we’ll do it next time. When will you be back in Ottawa?
格倫:那太遺憾了。 那我們也許下次一起去吃飯吧。 下次什么時候到渥太華來呀?
Dashan: Probably in the summer. I’ll let you know.
大山:可能是今年夏天吧。 我會告訴你們的。
Glen: Seatbelts fastened?
Group: Yes.
Rumei: Yunbo, Dashan, hi.
Yunbo: Rumei, where were you? You look different.
云波:如梅,你去什么地方了? 看上去變了個樣子。
Rumei: Well, Kathy treated me to a morning at a spa. Kathy and I got haircuts and facials. It was such a treat. How was Christopher’s hockey game?
Dashan: Terrific. His team won. He’s a good hockey player.
Yunbo: I really enjoyed watching the game and learning about kids’ hockey.
Rumei: I’m thirsty. Why don’t we get something to drink?
Yunbo: Rumei, our flight leaves in two and a half hours. We’d better pack first.
云波:如梅,再過兩個半小時我們的航班就要起飛了。 我們最好先收拾行李吧。
Rumei: Don’t worry, Yunbo. I packed everything this morning. So we have enough time to get some coffee. Why don’t you and Yunbo get the bags from the rooms? I’ll go ahead and order at the coffee shop.
如梅:別擔心,云波。今天上午我把行李都收拾好了,所以我們有足夠的時間去喝咖啡。 你和大山到房間去取行李吧。 我到咖啡廳先去點飲料。