ACT 2-1 “ 能告訴我怎么去弗代爾鎮林肯大街嗎?”
Alexandra想把Richard 忘下的包還給他。包上掛著Richard的住址牌,Alexandra向一位警察詢問該怎樣去那里。警察叮囑Alexandra要坐1路地鐵,可是她卻仍然坐錯了車。
Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?
Policeman: Sure.
Alexandra: Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?
Policeman: "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." You should take the number one subway.
Alexandra: Is there a station near here?
Policeman: Yes. The station’s that way. You should take the number one train to Van Cortlandt Park.
Alexandra: Number one train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you.
Policeman: Anytime. Good luck. Remember, the number one train. The uptown platform.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Policeman: You’re welcome.
1. Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?
當我們向別人尋求幫助時,可以說Excuse me. Can you help me?(勞駕,可以幫個忙嗎?)
本文中的officer,是指police officer,即警官。
2. Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?
"Can you tell me how to get to ...? "可以用來向別人問路,意思是“您能告訴我怎么才能到達某某地點嗎?”
3. 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.
4. Anytime.
在你為別人做了某事后別人向你道謝時回答Anytime,相當于You are welcome anytime.
5. Good luck.
祝你好運。一般用于與人分手時,回答也用Good luck.
6. uptown platform
北線月臺。在紐約,地鐵線有uptown 北線(向北駛)和downtown 南線(向南駛)之分,在每個地鐵站口都有標志。