David:What position do you like to play in soccer? 你踢足球時,喜歡踢什么位置?
You:I like to play at the back.我喜歡在后場。
David:Do you mean the defense? 你是說后衛嗎?
You:Yes, the defense.是的,后衛。
David:You mean the goal. In Chinese, I think you use “men” but you can say “men” for “door” or “gate”, you can use “men” in many ways. 你是說球門吧。漢語里,“門”有很多用法,既可以表示“door”,也可以表示“gate”。
You:Yes, like “mei menr” – “no way”. Chinese use one word to refer to many things. I think this is more difficult than English. Do you think so? 是的,像“沒門兒”,“No way.”漢語經常有一詞多義的現象。這比英語難。你覺得呢?
David:I think Chinese is much more difficult than English. 我覺得漢語比英語難多了。
You:漢字更難寫。Chinese characters are more difficult.
David:Chinese characters and pronunciation are the hardest parts. 認字和發音是最難掌握的了。
You:I think you are quite clever. You know, I have some classmates from the USA in my class learning Chinese, but they make little progress. They have to express themselves in English, more often than in Chinese. They just know, “xiexie”, “nihao” and nothing else.我覺得你很聰明。知道嗎,我們班有一些學中文的美國同學,進步很緩慢。他們更多的還得用英語來表達。他們掌握的漢語,僅限于“謝謝”、“你好” 等簡單口語,再沒別的了。
David:“xie xie”. Talking about exercise, I find that Chinese people like to dance in the streets at night as exercise, maybe for fun and exercise. 謝謝。說到鍛煉,我發現中國人喜歡晚上在大街上跳舞作為鍛煉,也許娛樂和鍛煉兩者兼得。
David:What? Not enough men want to do that? Is it mostly just women? 什么?沒有足夠的男士嗎?是不是幾乎都是女性?
You:如果一個男人邀請我,我就說不,然后說她是我舞伴。當看到那個老太太的時候,他們有時候會非常生氣。這很有趣。If a man invites me, I say no, she is my partner. They sometimes get very angry when they see the old woman. It’s a lot of fun.
David:It sounds like a lot of fun. 聽起來很有趣哦。