光棍節與雙十一(Singles’ Day、Bachelors’ Day、Double 11、November 11、Bare Sticks Day、Bare Sticks Festival)
光棍節通常譯為Singles’ Day或Bachelors’ Day,也可寫為Singles Day、Single’s Day、 Bachelors Day、Bachelor’s Day。光棍節從誕生時起就和雙十一結下了不解之緣,主要是因為11.11看起來就像是四條光棍。下面是《經濟時報》(Economic Times)對光棍節的介紹:
Singles’ Day is celebrated on November 11 because the date—11/11—is reminiscent of “bare branches,” the Chinese expression for bachelors and spinsters.
Singles’ Day or Bachelors’ Day, which originated from Nanjing University in 1993, was initially celebrated at various universities in Nanjing during the 1990s. It got the name “Singles’ Day” because the date consists of four “one”s. Upon graduating, these college students carried the university tradition into society. Singles’ Day has been largely popularized in the internet era and is now observed by youth in several regions outside China as well. (維基百科)
也有人把光棍節叫作反情人節(Anti-Valentine’s Day),是單身汪們對自己孑然一身的無奈的自嘲。
國際上有一個黑色情人節(Black Day)是4月14日,類似于光棍節,在韓國非常流行。據說,2月14日情人節(Valentine’s Day)是女人給情侶送禮物(通常是巧克力)的節日,3月14日則是白色情人節(White Day),是男人給女人回贈禮物(也是巧克力)的節日,而4月14日則是單身汪的節日,在前兩個節日沒有收到禮物的單身汪這一天會穿上黑色衣服聚會,吃黑色食物,通常是炸醬面(韓語jajangmyeon),以此來祭奠一個單身汪的凄涼情懷。這個節日也被商家利用成為一個購物節、促銷節,但其影響遠遠沒有雙十一那么震撼。
雙十一購物狂歡節(Double 11 Shopping Carnival/Bonanza)
隨著雙十一作為光棍節越來越受到年輕人的喜愛和關注,敏感的商家從中發現了商機,電商巨頭(ecommerce giant)阿里巴巴以天貓和淘寶為平臺,啟動了一場轟轟烈烈的購物大狂歡,硬是把一個小小的光棍節變成了一個全民購物狂歡節。對此,《經濟時報》是這樣報道的:
Singles’ Day, a twist on Valentine’s Day, started in China in the 1990s as an obscure (不起眼的) holiday but has snowballed (滾雪球般擴大) into a consumer phenomenon thanks largely to Alibaba Group Holding, founded by Jack Ma and which runs China’s largest online marketplace … In 2009, Alibaba sparked the flame that turned it into what it is today—a massive marketing event selling everything from electronics and clothing to cosmetics and food at big discounts. It sells through Tmall, AliExpress (阿里巴巴全球速賣通) and Taobao Marketplace platforms, and through merchants’ brick-and-mortar stores (實體店).
① China’s “Singles Day” Is the World’s Hugest, Craziest Online Shopping Spree (from Buzzfeed)
②China’s Singles Day sets spending record (from Financial Times)
③Forget Black Friday and Cyber Monday:100m shoppers splash out on China’s Single’s Day (from The Guardian)
④ Singles’ Day: China splurges $9.3bn in 12 hours on world’s biggest online shopping day (from The Guardian)