LH: Larry, 你那么急著找你哥哥,有要緊的事嗎?
LL: No, not really. I just want to chit chat.
LH: Chit chat是什么意思啊?
LL: To Chit Chat is to talk about general things that aren’t very important. I don’t really have anything specific or urgent to talk about.
LH: Chit Chat就是閑聊。那你和你哥哥平時都閑聊些什么呢?
LL: We chit chat about what is going on at work, what we’ve been doing for fun lately, and even about the weather.
LH: 嗯,聊工作,生活和天氣,看來你們哥倆的關系很不錯嘛。 我也喜歡和家人聊天,特別是和我媽媽。
LL: Chit chatting can be pleasant, but some times it can be annoying.
LH: 是啊,有時候聊天不僅沒有樂趣反而令人煩惱,就好像昨天我正忙著寫論文,我的朋友 Rachel 打電話來和我聊天。
LL: So, did you tell her you didn’t have time to chit chat?
LH: 一開始我沒好意思告訴他我很忙。 然后聊了一會兒以后我對她說我在忙著寫論文呢。
LL: I know Rachel. She really likes to chit chat. Did she get off the phone right away, when you told her you need to work?
LH: Rachel的確很喜歡聊天。我說我要趕快寫論文,她還是不掛電話。真拿她沒辦法。
LL: Well, I have to say, Li Hua, I don’t mind chit chatting with you.
LH: 你也喜歡和我聊天?其實我也喜歡和朋友聊天。像現(xiàn)在這樣,邊喝茶邊聊,很放松也很有意思。 當然要作功課的時候就不能chit chat了。
LL: That’s right! I think it’s time for you to work on your paper, and I need to try to call my brother again.