David:I understand that Chinese medicine is based more on natural products while western medicine more on chemical products. Are Chinese people more accustomed to Chinese medicine?我知道中醫更多地注重天然藥物而西醫則更多注重化學藥品。比起西藥,中國人是不是更多習慣吃中藥?
You :很難說。因為中藥和西藥各有各的特點和效力,例如,對某些特定的慢性病來說,中藥要比西藥好。
David : What other differences are there between Chinese and western medicine? 那么中藥都有哪些優勢呢?
You :Since Chinese medicine believes that the different parts of the human body are all interrelated, it strives to bring balance to the body as a whole. In contrast, western medicine considers the human body as a machine made up of individual and independent parts.
David : It sounds like Chinese medicine is more wholesome than western medicine. However, 70% of the medicine is western medicine. Why do people buy western medicine instead of Chinese medicine? 事實上,聽起來好像中藥比西藥更有益于健康。然而,人們消耗的西藥占總消耗藥量的 70% 。既然中藥真的比西藥好,為什么人們還去買西藥?
You :As I mentioned earlier, Chinese medicine is more effective for specific diseases. Chinese medicine does not represent the whole pharmaceutical market, only about 20-25% of it. There are certain categories of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics that are not included in Chinese traditional medicine.
正如我剛才所說,中藥治療某些特殊疾病的確很有效,但它在所有藥品中只占 20% 到 25% 的比例,并沒有成為整個醫藥市場的中流砥柱。像抗生素之類的藥品,在傳統中藥當中是沒有的。
David : But antibiotics can be harmful if they are taken too often. All in all, Chinese medicine sounds healthier. Maybe I should go see a Chinese doctor if I get sick. Thanks. 但是經常服用抗生素對人體有害。總之,中藥似乎更有益于身體健康。如果我生病的話或許我應當去看中醫。謝謝!