當然come up for air已經被廣泛應用。我們知道美國人得納稅,而每年四月十五號是美國人遞交稅表的最后限期。在這個日子迫近的時候,不少美國人都會為了準備那一大堆表格文件而忙得焦頭爛額。說話的人就是其中之一。
Oh, boy, I’ve spent the whole day on my tax return. I still have more to do, but I simply have to come up for air. Let’s go out for dinner so I can forget about taxes for a little while.
所以come up for air意思是“喘口氣、調節一下精神”。
My classmate can sit and study for three or four hours without coming up for air. Not me! After an hour I have to get up and get a coke or a snack or just walk around for a while.
這里coming up for air也是歇口氣的意思。